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The Roar of Carthulhu
Saturday, 6:00 PM EDT for 6 hr Omni: McClellan Hall: 7--8

Game ID:
Gaming Group
/ Company:
Short Description:
Mad Max meets Lovecraftian Horror. A wasteland filled with endless danger. Scrounging for scraps to survive. The wicked come in many forms. Eventually everyone runs out of gas. Adult Themes
Long Description:
In a dystopian post-apocalypse, you're one of the few who's managed to survive. There are others in the Wasteland, but most would see you dead before sharing supplies. Some seem reasonable but there is always a price. No one knows how the world ended so long ago. The waste is filled with cults and self-proclaimed messiahs that all have their own versions of the truth. Perhaps some of what they say is true. During this round, you'll be part of a band of survivors in the wasteland. There are always whispers of something big and bad coming your way, but the voice in the back of your head is telling you that's it's different this time. You need to figure out what's coming before it's too late. The round contains Adult Themes, Graphic Descriptions, Violence, and Fast Driving Act! Collaborate! Be Generous! Have Fun! We have seen extraordinary things from both veteran gamers and newcomers.
Game System:
Rules Edition:
Minimum Players:
Maximum Players:
Minimum Age:
Mature (18+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Required:
Start Date & Time:
6 hr
End Date & Time:
Sunday, 12:00 AM EDT
Tony Messerges, Jon Cazares, Robert Cook, Dan Wolf
Web Address
for more information:
No, this is not a tournament.
Ticketing Method: