In Marimacc's post on the old forums, she wrote:
[the change] will also allow the forums to become more stable, as they will be hosted with the rest of the Gen Con site .
Is that actually the case? In times of super-server-stress (pre-reg opening, etc.) isn't it far FAR better that the forums be as way-the-heck-far-away from the Gen Con site as possible, so that when users bring the site to its knees, the lines of communication remain open to all attendees?
By resting within "", which is also where registration happens, it means that -- at minimum -- the forums are sharing the same load-balancing hardware and -- worst case scenario -- are on the same physical servers are the event registration engine, etc.
Every fiber of my "I do this for a living" being is crying out that this is a nightmare waiting to happen. Someone explain to me how I'm wrong. (And please, use long technical terms, because that's really what I'm looking for in order to feel warm and fuzzy about this).