Gimme Da Diversity: Adding multicultural influences to TTRPG's
Friday, 2:00 PM EDT for 1 hr 30 min Stadium : Meeting Room 12

Game ID:
Gaming Group
/ Company:
Short Description:
Want your fantasy world to be as diverse as the players at your table? Want to add influences from other cultures without being appropriative? The Gimme Da Loot crew is here for you!
Long Description:
The cast of Gimme Da Loot will coach players and game masters how to move beyond traditional fantasy tropes to incorporate diverse perspectives into class builds, homebrew creations, and storytelling themes. Whether it's LL Cool J Barbarians or the Aswang, the GMDL cast will give you the tools you need to make the next generation of games contain content as diverse as the players. Event will include a discussion of incorporating influences without being appropriative, a brainstorming session for a homebrew class or setting based on suggestions from attendees, and close out with a Q&A Session
Event Type:
Minimum Audience:
Maximum Audience:
Minimum Age:
Teen (13+)
Experience Required:
Some (You've played it a bit and understand the basics)
Materials Required:
Start Date & Time:
1 hr 30 min
End Date & Time:
Friday, 3:30 PM EDT
Stadium : Meeting Room 12
Turner Coats, Harland Mckenzie, Jamon Sanders, Tori Egbert, Anthony Robertson
Web Address
for more information:
Email Address
for more information:
No, this is not a tournament.
Ticketing Method: