Gen Con Participation Grants

Bring Your Perspective and Passion to Tabletop Gaming

Gen Con wants to help gaming enthusiasts from historically underrepresented communities attend Gen Con Indy.

Our Participation Grants program awards awesome folxs to Gen Con Indy for whom attending has a material impact on their career, ambitions, or community of fellow gamers.

Help make The Best Four Days in Gaming™ even better by bringing your perspective and passion for tabletop gaming to Gen Con Indy. Learn about the latest games and trends to share with your gaming community back home or online. Participation Grants are awarded based on a submitted application and a review process.

Grants include a complimentary 4-Day badge and a stipend of $550 to people who would like to attend the convention in Indianapolis but find the cost prohibitive.

How to Apply

Participation Grants are awarded based on a submitted application and a review process. Visit the Grants application page for more information on eligibility, when and how to apply, and the rules and guidelines.

Key Dates:

  • Jan 13 – Feb 10, 2025 - Application submission period
  • March 3 (week of) - Recipients Notification


If you have questions about this program, use the yellow help bubble at the bottom of our website. You can also email Customer Service at