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Castle Twilight
Thursday, 2:00 PM EDT for 4 hr JW: White River Ballroom H--J: HQ

Game ID:
Gaming Group
/ Company:
Short Description:
Explore a hidden school of sorcery. A few remain, haunting the halls alongside ancient magics, crumbling masonry, and the treasures of a lost age. What secrets will you find?
Long Description:
"High in the mountains in the north of the Misty Vale lies Castle Twilight a hidden school of sorcery. This ancient academy was once glorious, championed by the dragon emperors of old, but centuries of weather and neglect have diminished the castle and it’s inhabitants. A few old mages and ambitious students still remain, haunting the halls alongside ancient magics, crumbling masonry, and the treasures of a lost age. Rumor has it that great treasures and magical artifacts await an adventuring party willing to take the risk. What secrets will you find? "
Game System:
Rules Edition:
Minimum Players:
Maximum Players:
Minimum Age:
Teen (13+)
Experience Required:
None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials Required:
Start Date & Time:
4 hr
End Date & Time:
Thursday, 6:00 PM EDT
Clifford Deaton, Matt McCloud, Betty Tatum, Chris Tatum, Jonathon Myhre, Jeremy Sarson, Edwin Mullavey, Dominique Casarin, Rebecca Siever
Web Address
for more information:
Email Address
for more information:
No, this is not a tournament.
Ticketing Method: