General Info 2017 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 50
7 8 9 11
7 8 9 11
Task / Topic Latest Posts
A Sunday Afternoon Haiku
Started by tdb
Last post by dukejohn 2
An educator going to GenCon
Started by judoka18
Last post by ryric 5
Lost backpack
Started by gregoryh68
Last post by gregoryh68 2
Well Done Gen Con Staff
Started by lmengsol
Last post by matthias9 20
My Only Complaint...
Started by bith
Last post by bith 1
Gen Con 50 Hard Rock Cafe Pin?
Started by bonham
Last post by mferna01 9
My pictures
Started by corwinhavens
Last post by bith 2
Horrible Exhibit Hall Announcements
Started by joelf847
Last post by ladyimm 34
Lack of GENCON 50 dice
Started by jbodem
Last post by ladyimm 12
GenCon 50: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Started by lore seeker
Last post by armadilloal 79
On No-Shows in RPGs
Started by watchdog
Last post by grtbrt 84
Gen Con 50 Coffee Mugs?
Started by werebat
Last post by werebat 3
Thank You Kind Sir!
Started by werebat
Last post by funny-shaped dice 3
My son lost his backpack on Friday.
Started by benicetodan
Last post by benicetodan 3
Started by articus
Last post by brion 2
Unique attendees number?
Started by dradama
Last post by raidkillsbugsded 67
Feedback on the convention - specifically about how the disability badges were handled cause it was horrible
Started by bostongreekgeek
Last post by moongoyal 20
VIG lottert
Started by soulcatcher78
Last post by austicke 2
Con Crud
Started by lore seeker
Last post by ladyimm 22
Name of the folding gaming tables that where used at iEllo's both this year
Started by dyne1319
Last post by dyne1319 3
Deluxe Gaming Tables
Started by werebat
Last post by armadilloal 14
Bought some irregular MDG dice
Started by werebat
Last post by austicke 2
GenCon coin
Started by jimtullis
Last post by icespark 4
Generic tickets vs 'tokens'
Started by garhkal
Last post by monkeyknifefight 10
Paizo Starfinder Core Rules PDF
Started by edward_49
Last post by edward_49 3
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