General Info 2017 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 50
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2 4 5 6
Task / Topic Latest Posts
How do I see events and add them to my wish list?
Started by outofhabit
Last post by nascragman 7
Internet Access for Events
Started by notacomputer
Last post by squirecam 2
Milwaukee, 2001
Started by drmean
Last post by qstor 13
Anybody notice the GenCon 2017 key dates?
Started by lore seeker
Last post by andrewj.rager 20
Hasbro announces HasCon
Started by hauntedcity
Last post by big12cowboys 15
Any information on 2017 VIG availability?
Started by rabidwolf
Last post by empj86 31
Gen Con looking at one year extension for Indy
Started by donaldbain
Last post by donaldbain 1
Gen Con renews contract
Started by nialith
Last post by njseahawksfan 148
Gen Con Rear Guard
Started by aaronmlopez
Last post by loon 74
Badge prices announced?
Started by austicke
Last post by austicke 4
Inspired by Drmean's closet cleaning
Started by demadog
Last post by demadog 9
Looking for Game Masters
Started by thevindicated
Last post by thevindicated 4
Badge Pre-Register Question
Started by deadsaidfred
Last post by deadsaidfred 5
No official WotC presence again...
Started by patellis15
Last post by happpycamper 67
How do I buy a badge for myself?
Started by catsclaw
Last post by mikeboozer 2
First time attending!
Started by alittleparrott
Last post by alittleparrott 79
Games in Lucas Oil
Started by nascragman
Last post by knuteski 34
True Dungeon
Started by cosmicpower
Last post by gib_rebeg 15
4 day badges
Started by ziroc
Last post by aldctjoc 18
Unable to purchase Family Pass
Started by dpuck1998
Last post by dpuck1998 5
Shipping Charges Question
Started by andrewj.rager
Last post by andrewj.rager 10
Gen Con Indy Facebook Group
Started by austicke
Last post by lilyjade 6
Badge # ?
Started by alans
Last post by microwench 61
How long to register and cash out from the auction?
Started by knuteski
Last post by falloner 16
$10 for USPS Shipping?
Started by mhayward1978
Last post by adcjones 59
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