General Info 2017 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 50
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Task / Topic Latest Posts
Rejoice peons
Started by scatterspell
Last post by leswhittaker 20
Do you have a ritual for "Button" day
Started by khoric
Last post by varelseshrike 20
Gen Con 50 article on RPGnet
Started by nascragman
Last post by stiehle 2
Cannot purchase family fun pass
Started by ragudaddy
Last post by alans 2
Can anyone help a newb-mom out?
Started by fizzardofoz
Last post by austicke 3
TMBG concert at Bankers Life Field house
Started by jessiana1980
Last post by austicke 10
What time does Gencon and Exhibitors hall shut down for good on Sunday?
Started by asgelb
Last post by werebat 6
Critical Role at GC this year?
Started by delgrieve
Last post by delgrieve 16
Bring Cooler to GenCon?
Started by heychadwick
Last post by wendel 21
Sunday badge
Started by richcue
Last post by austicke 3
Question regarding first year GM
Started by lehane
Last post by nscott 2
stars ?
Started by jpcacc37
Last post by austicke 4
Where is the exhibition hall?
Started by werebat
Last post by werebat 4
2017 New Board Game Releases List(s)
Started by afabbi
Last post by afabbi 11
Started by shedcase
Last post by jpederso 7
Will Call pickup badge time?
Started by werebat
Last post by garhkal 12
Family Fun Pavilion?
Started by werebat
Last post by bakermouse10133 3
Started by pinheadjo
Last post by pinheadjo 11
The Ram decorated Wednesday?
Started by werebat
Last post by rbree 4
Game length...
Started by fugazi70
Last post by jerrytel 2
Can I redeem 2016 game tickets
Started by jameela
Last post by marimaccadmin 5
Paying for events
Started by ytuni
Last post by ytuni 3
Generic tickets?
Started by therron.thomas
Last post by kuns7glak 6
Wish List
Started by mbutler888
Last post by nscott 2
KFG Wed gaming
Started by cbudoris
Last post by austicke 3
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