General Info 2017 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 50
5 6 7 9 11 12
5 6 7 9 11 12
Task / Topic Latest Posts
Exhibit hall question
Started by dalarpguy
Last post by aaronvsapp 13
LFP/G Tuesday (HackMaster or DDAL)
Started by rong
Last post by rong 1
Have the banners gone up in Indy?
Started by kiyote
Last post by austicke 47
2017 Quiet Room!
Started by ladyanaka
Last post by elylightbringer 5
Spicer's 5-4-3-2-1 Rule
Started by spicer
Last post by apparentlymarylee 42
Discord app to organize game meet ups?
Started by nathanmolina86
Last post by nathanmolina86 4
What's in YOUR Spreadsheet?
Started by kochy1313
Last post by kaliena 16
Is there anywhere you can observe True Dungeon?
Started by kiyote
Last post by jeff321 11
Top Booths for Dice Purchases
Started by boomdabah
Last post by unsoundergnome 22
So...What Are We Playing in the Will Call Line?
Started by steamdrone
Last post by rhhata 24
The new program book's here! The new program book's here!
Started by austicke
Last post by mal_havoc 9
Gen Con Program
Started by pinheadjo
Last post by castigere 21
Gen con hype!
Started by beccaroo
Last post by beccaroo 1
Looking for a vendor...
Started by drmwalkr
Last post by wells 4
Just in time for Gen Con
Started by wolnir
Last post by wolnir 1
Christopher Yates aka Rusty Bawls
Started by hahnarama
Last post by hahnarama 6
To Adrian Swartout - Thank You & Good Luck
Started by mvotruba
Last post by austicke 3
Local Forecast for this week
Started by hahnarama
Last post by helenbb 7
Trouble posting?
Started by skellisnyx
Last post by roderick 2
Entering the Vendor Hall
Started by hoppities
Last post by mhayward1978 7
Help finding the location of events
Started by geezer
Last post by buffythecatslayer 6
Started by varelseshrike
Last post by mhayward1978 15
Exhibitor Area for Children's Games?
Started by shyeyes19
Last post by rogersba 2
Possible way to use the postal or logistics service?
Started by jadeyoo
Last post by ytuni 11
Guys what is up?
Started by fatherofone
Last post by lord thrifty the cromulent 6
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