Events 2019 ( Locked)
Discussion about events at Gen Con 2019
3 4 5 7 9 10
3 4 5 7 9 10
Task / Topic Latest Posts
Trading tickets for true dungeon
Started by alphalegionaire
Last post by alphalegionaire 4
Legends of the Shining Jewel - more info
Started by wizejester
Last post by ghrendel 10
Games library - 5hr block question
Started by kellishaver
Last post by dblade 4
King of Tokyo Tournaments
Started by joegamer
Last post by joegamer 1
Tickets Available for Sell Outs!
Started by melkiorthemaker
Last post by melkiorthemaker 1
Gen Con Honeymoon
Started by celticavenger!888
Last post by celticavenger!888 13
Allow us to add sold-out events to Wishlist
Started by buffythecatslayer
Last post by freebiegrabber 7
D&D Experience, Mid-Track A
Started by castigere
Last post by tparhamjr 8
Started by fateoptional
Last post by ja1214 3
Wednesday Dawn Patrol?
Started by stickmanindc
Last post by bluemax 3
Updating the Event List
Started by stormforge
Last post by trace_sl 5
Started by adcjones
Last post by bushmaster 7
"Czech Games Edition" Events
Started by pahowell0520
Last post by buffythecatslayer 8
EVENT HYPE - Hogwarts: Please Return to Your Dormitories!
Started by randrac
Last post by ja1214 2
Wednesday event recommendation - WNBA game
Started by mightyllamas
Last post by mightyllamas 1
more gunpla
Started by kc2dpt
Last post by kc2dpt 1
Starfinder Basics
Started by ryanhofack
Last post by hendelbolaf 11
Gale Force Nine Event
Started by ascantla
Last post by krob555 3
MTG @ GenCon
Started by indyfoodguy
Last post by freebiegrabber 42
Baldman Games 5E Trading Post?
Started by narzat
Last post by narzat 3
Vow Ceremony
Started by andrewj.rager
Last post by monkeydragon 10
Looking to trade 2 true Dungeon E3 tickets for E1 or E2
Started by bshugg
Last post by buffythecatslayer 2
My Gencon trip maybe ruined
Started by thorvan
Last post by ladye 20
Tickets missing from My Packets
Started by okkult
Last post by xcoconutmonkey06x 5
D&D Experience @ Gen Con - Mid Track B
Started by jffalaschi
Last post by silverf0xx 4
3 4 5 7 9 10