Gen Con would like to recognize and express our heartfelt thanks to all the amazing individuals who shared their knowledge, time, talent, and expertise with us over the years. Without their contributions some of our program offerings would not have existed.
The Industry Insider program was a curated program based around all things gaming related. Events under this program were suggested and hosted by the current year's Industry Insiders and were as diverse as the Industry Insider's themselves but always remain industry focused.
Industry Insider Alumni from 2002-2017.
Gen Con 50 Featured Presenters
Luminaries from the world of gaming, historians, collectors, and more graciously gave their time and effort to make Gen Con 50 a true testament to the conventions history.
We look forward to finding new opportunities to celebrate and collaborate with the game industry, and will continue to offer best-in-class programming at Gen Con. Thank you to all who make it possible!