Looking for room for 2
Posted by kattmane91

Long shot, but looking for Me and my friend, both first time gencon attendees. Hopefully within walking distance but if not, that is fine. I can provide any info or things you might want/need to vet us out and make sure we aren't some random crazies. I will just put out there we are there more for CCG's, Specifically One Piece, and Naruto as well. Hope to hear from some of you soon!

Posted by kattmane91

Also, in case this was easier, My Discord is KattMane#0708 if you'd like to message me about any details.

Posted by kbruton1

hello! I just had a room open up - double queen about 5 blocks from the con. Would you be interested? Let me know. :) 

Posted by gentax

I have a room reservation for a single king at the Downtown Hilton (Aug 3 to Aug 6). Will gladly transfer if you're interested

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