Today Private Messaging has been activated on With this service you can find and send messages to other users from your My Messages page, which is linked to from the menu under you name, on the top navigation bar, when you are signed into your account.
This service is still a work-in-progress. It has only basic functionality and a few shortcomings, but we wanted to activate it now, before Housing Registration opened, so that Gen Con 50 attendees could connect with one another to arrange rooms, and roommates, without posting their personal contact information in the forums.
Please note that the rules of the forums also apply to private messages. If you harass or spam other users through private messages, you will be barred from the service.
Going forward we will work out the bugs and improve the services' functionality to fit the needs of those who frequent We welcome any feedback, suggestions, or requests that you may have for the service but please understand that this is not Facebook, Google, or Twitter, and we're not going to try and replace them. Please add your feedback here.
Suggestion: List forum names on the My Friends & Family page, so you can message them.
It should probably give an error message if you sent a message to an invalid participant (instead of just sending a message to yourself). Hopefully that's on your bug list.
Delete function needed.
Should I not mention all these obvious ones?
Would be nice to have an easy way to send a message from the forum instead of going to My Messages, either by clicking their screen name or profile picture.
Also, It would be good to have notification on the website after you sign in, so you won't have to check manually