More information for newbies
Posted by jcham7009

Please consider offering more general information for newbies. Nowhere is there an overview of the daily schedule, the types of attractions available and the hours for all of them (vendor hall, 10,000 s.f, dungeon, block party, types of sessions typically offered, games library, open gaming). It's assumed you've already attended and know about all of these things happening. Then, the tutorials and FAQs are mostly too basic--not enough information on how event registration actually works (ranking duplicates, etc.). You really need to give a better picture of what the experience is like, what is on offer. And please, for the love of god, do not make it a YouTube video. Give me charts, give me summary descriptions.

Posted by quarex

I can agree that a few things you mention could be mentioned more prominently, but anything being run by an outside group would not make any sense to put in such a list, meaning it would really just be the Exhibit Hall hours and I guess open gaming.  And then I wonder if they do not do that so as to avoid it sounding like there is barely anything going on to people who have never attended. 

Posted by holisticdeveloper

The digital program book is the best resource for this I would say, although it usually isn't published until a week or two before the con.

Posted by jcham7009 holisticdeveloper

holisticdeveloper wrote:
The digital program book is the best resource for this I would say, although it usually isn't published until a week or two before the con.
That really just speaks to my point, though... There's no comprehensive overview for someone who's never seen a program book or attended. I managed to figure out playtest access, accidentally found references to costume contest and block party, and only got a sense of the types of things like craft classes and escape rooms and the hours for the lending library once the event catalog dropped. It's a crappy way to try to figure out the general content and scheduling of an event.

Posted by willt49

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