Auction Consignment Store Thursday
Posted by manimal

The Gen Con Auction Consignment Store Thursday 10 AM EDT (ZED24ND250836) is listed as requiring tickets. However, the rest of the consignment store and auction subject matters and times, although listed, do not require tickets. Is the ticket requirement for Thursday morning correct or is this an error?

Posted by quarex

An error, no tickets will ever be required for the Auction.  It would basically be impossible to manage such a thing even if desired given the random nature of how long people stay or how many people fit, hah. 

Posted by mira23

So the request for tickets is not true word hurdle

Posted by qwaserity

Thank you for reminding me. I love the auction but only want to stick around for a session or two. Last year, I didn't make it because I scheduled everything else BEFORE I knew there was an auction schedule.

WAIT, the consignment room is only open until 4? It says starts at 9am and runs for hours. I MUST add that to my schedule.

EDITED: Nevermind, I see it is set up as seperate sessions...panick averted...

Posted by quarex mira23

mira23 wrote:
So the request for tickets is not true word hurdle
​​​​​​Wow, INVISIBLE Spam links, nice! 

Posted by holisticdeveloper

For things like this, they put them in the event catalog just so people can see it as something they can go do.

Posted by jpederso

A similar "event" is listed for Orc Stomp Packet Pickup - just a way for people to know when and where they can get their t-shirts and numbers, I guess.  

Posted by manimal

Yes, the auction, consignment store and other ticketed events are there so you can add them to your schedule even though they don't require tickets. My original post was to note an error in the one listing for the consignment store that (when originally posted) did have tickets being assigned to it. After I posted, the listing was changed to eliminate the ticket requirement. So if you are looking at it now, it is correct as it should be.

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