Cross-posted on Discord (and probably Reddit and Facebook at some point):

Do you need a room?  Do you have a room and need a roommate?  Let's talk!

MY ROOM: Currently I have an in-block room near the airport with a double queen.  I'm keeping an eye out for something in walking distance.

ME: At the risk of oversharing - 42 year old married, cis white male (he/him).  Progressive/liberal. I'm GMing a bunch of RPGs at the con and just there to have a good time. Smoke and drug-free, though I do enjoy craft beer. I like RPGs and virtually all board games. Clean and organized. Since it's a con I'll likely stay up late and get up early.

YOU:  Singles and couples are fine. Someone mature, picks up after themselves, doesn't smoke/420 in the room. Preferably someone I can game with at the hotel after the con, but not required. Willing to split the room cost 50/50.

I'm not looking to stay in a room crammed with people - I want a bed, and some space to move around in the room!

Post here, or PM me (if that's a thing) if you're interested.  Or email me at jonrpohl AT gmail DOT com