Looking for a room
Posted by wiseraptor2184

I'm hoping to find someone who is looking for a roommate between July 31st and August 4th. I'm just hoping to find somewhere on the area so I don't ha e to drive over an hour each way to and from the convention.

Posted by freaklet31

Are you still looking for a room? 

Posted by wiseraptor2184

I actually managed to snag an Airbnb out in Fishers 

Posted by milkdud32 freaklet31

freaklet31 wrote:
Are you still looking for a room? 
Not really, I have a room reserved, but I can move it or cancel depending on situation.  I get in on Tuesday though

Posted by milkdud32 milkdud32

milkdud32 wrote:
freaklet31 wrote:
Are you still looking for a room? 
Not really, I have a room reserved, but I can move it or cancel depending on situation.  I get in on Tuesday though
OK, wrong message board..lol  but I am open to a room if your closer..

Posted by freaklet31 milkdud32

milkdud32 wrote:
milkdud32 wrote:
freaklet31 wrote:
Are you still looking for a room? 
Not really, I have a room reserved, but I can move it or cancel depending on situation.  I get in on Tuesday though
OK, wrong message board..lol  but I am open to a room if your closer..

i get in on Wed.
i have a room at Holiday In Express South . Where do you have your reservations at? 

Posted by milkdud32

I'm at the days Inn in ne indy.  Like 30 min away.  I get in Tuesday and I'm leaving sat

Posted by milkdud32 freaklet31

freaklet31 wrote:
milkdud32 wrote:
milkdud32 wrote:
freaklet31 wrote:
Are you still looking for a room? 
Not really, I have a room reserved, but I can move it or cancel depending on situation.  I get in on Tuesday though
OK, wrong message board..lol  but I am open to a room if your closer..

i get in on Wed.
i have a room at Holiday In Express South . Where do you have your reservations at? 
if your looking to split the boost, I'd be interested.  Your closer than me.  Whats the cost?

Posted by freaklet31 milkdud32

milkdud32 wrote:
I'm at the days Inn in ne indy.  Like 30 min away.  I get in Tuesday and I'm leaving sat
I will let you know in a couple of days. I was just able to get a room in the block (2 doubles) for better pricing and it’s 18mins from the convention center. 

I have a other roommate (male) so we can split costs between the 3 of us 

Posted by milkdud32 milkdud32

milkdud32 wrote:
freaklet31 wrote:
milkdud32 wrote:
milkdud32 wrote:
freaklet31 wrote:
Are you still looking for a room? 
Not really, I have a room reserved, but I can move it or cancel depending on situation.  I get in on Tuesday though
OK, wrong message board..lol  but I am open to a room if your closer..

i get in on Wed.
i have a room at Holiday In Express South . Where do you have your reservations at? 
if your looking to split the boost, I'd be interested.  Your closer than me.  Whats the cost?
my biggest issue is transportation.  Flying in from cali Tuesday.  I booked my room like 5 months ago, so it was cheap af.  Lol

Posted by freaklet31

Where from Cali? I am originally from there. 

Here is the breakdown of costs if we were to share :

Rate of the room is $199 plus tax (17%) = $232.83 split between 3 of us ($77.61 per day)

apologies to the original poster for taking over the thread 

Posted by milkdud32 freaklet31

freaklet31 wrote:
Where from Cali? I am originally from there. 
Here is the breakdown of costs if we were to share :
Rate of the room is $199 plus tax (17%) = $232.83 split between 3 of us ($77.61 per day)
apologies to the original poster for taking over the thread 
sorry it took so long to get back.  I'm gonna keep my single.  

Posted by freaklet31 milkdud32

milkdud32 wrote:
freaklet31 wrote:
Where from Cali? I am originally from there. 
Here is the breakdown of costs if we were to share :
Rate of the room is $199 plus tax (17%) = $232.83 split between 3 of us ($77.61 per day)
apologies to the original poster for taking over the thread 
sorry it took so long to get back.  I'm gonna keep my single.  
thanks for letting me know 

Posted by tom_gencon

Looking to share room.  1 or 2 spots available.  Male 50 driving in from Florida.  (Also share ride from Tampa to indy or on route hitchhikers along tampa to indy).  Message with questioning. Studio 6 nearby.  Cheap room, 40 mpg vehicle, split the cost rider. Very experience gencon peep(badge # below 1000.  Great restaurants around studio 6.  Italian sit down thru steak and shake for 3am shake discount.  Pb& j, fruit loops, in kitchenette, or fancy sit downs.  I can afford and like either.  No smoking or snoring.  Can pretend to snore like the 3 stooges if it helps u fall asleep.  Early riser to con 3pm milkshake is my nightcap.  Milkshake makes me sleep like a baby.  Can be grumpy old con bitter ie..  complain about con.  Prefer to eat snack watching other con grippers.  I always like a good laugh.

Msg is best, but I do my best agreement in writing, and cell phone audio/face time cell.  Can fall forwar to ZOOM.  I have the pandemic version on all my devices.  Will to trade my extra event tikets for milk and cookies.  Prefer star wars oreo, which ill b bringing multiple of to share at room 1xt, con 2nd.


Posted by amethystwyrm freaklet31

freaklet31 wrote:
Where from Cali? I am originally from there. 
Here is the breakdown of costs if we were to share :
Rate of the room is $199 plus tax (17%) = $232.83 split between 3 of us ($77.61 per day)
apologies to the original poster for taking over the thread 
I'm considering switching my reservation. Is this still available?

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