Hotel confirmation
Posted by dpuck1998

Now that hotels have been transferred how do we get our confirmation numbers? This is my first time in lottery. 

Posted by kevinrg

Call the hotel.  They should be able to provide the confirmation number.  

Posted by mikeboozer dpuck1998

dpuck1998 wrote:
Now that hotels have been transferred how do we get our confirmation numbers? This is my first time in lottery. 

Yes, but it takes time for them to send them out, and each hotel is of course different in how much time it takes them. Usually all are done within 96 hours of data turn over from now.

They may not be able to help you if you call them now because they have not entered he system yet.


Posted by david campbell

Mine already shows in my Marriott Rewards app; if you gave a rewards number for the hotel, that's a quick way to check!

Posted by dpuck1998

Looks like I was just impatient, not having been in the lottery before, but it has already shown up in my Hilton account. 

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