Can I Remove Sunday Night from my Hotel Reservation?
Posted by hendelbolaf

I have put in for my reservation through the housing portal and it is for Wednesday night through Sunday night. However, we are driving and I am thinking about getting some miles in on Sunday after the con is over and wondered how I could go about making that change without either paying a fee or losing my potential reservation.


Posted by komoridarkclaw

You should be able to go into the housing portal and edit your parameters without issue. Hit modify, update the check-out date on the right, hit the find button, make sure your hotel is still available as a choice, choose that one, and away you go.

Posted by marimaccadmin

Yes it should be fine as long as you hvae the other nights; but, it's a lot of fun to stay over, take your time to pack, and get a good rest in. :)

Marian McBrine
Event Coordinator
Gen Con LLC

Posted by bushmaster

Is it possible to change the departure date at check-in or during the convention?

Posted by britbrit bushmaster

bushmaster wrote:
Is it possible to change the departure date at check-in or during the convention?
You can, but usually if you do that you'll still have to pay for that night. 

Posted by bushmaster britbrit

Really?  That is a

britbrit wrote:
bushmaster wrote:
Is it possible to change the departure date at check-in or during the convention?
You can, but usually if you do that you'll still have to pay for that night. 
Really?  That is a racket with the hotel.  But hotels are not a customer friendly business enitiy.  I know, I have worked for them in the past.

Posted by britbrit

Guess depends on hotel. I would imagine last minute changes, more so during the busiest time of the year for them, you'd still have to pay. For you to suddenly cancel a night means they lose money on a night that could have been filled.
But never hurts to ask each hotel policy is different.

Posted by hendelbolaf

Thanks for the feedback!

I was able to View Reservation and then Modify to roll back a day and it did not cancel my reservation and I do not believe I have incurred any charges.

It looks like I would have incurred the $50 charge for cancelling the entire reservation and not just a single night. So it all worked out for the best!


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