10 days until the first Nascrag Playtest!
I might check out Origins next year just to say that I went, but I'll definitely be attending a few video game-centric conventions to scratch my gaming itch: GDEX (http://www.thegdex.com) and PAX East (http://east.paxsite.com).
Anyone know of other video/board game conventions that are situated around the Midwest? I know there's Who's Yer Con but I'm already planning on attending that too.
Check out: Game Hole Con and Gary Con
Haven't been there yet, but Grand Con in Grand Rapids, MI might be one to check out as well.
The Winter War convention in Champaign, IL is a great little con at the end of January.
I normally play some 5E D&D with some very close friends and family once or twice a week. My wife and I purchased Ticket to Ride: First Journey so our daughter and nephew could play with us, so that been fun. Other than that, we've been saving up for Gen Con 51.
So if Gen 2017 was Gen Con 50, is Gen Con 2018 Gen Con's 50th Anniversary? Or are they counting Gen Con 0 and saying last year was the 50th and 50th anniversary? Please come down the rabbit hole with me Alice...