General Info 2017 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 50
6 7 8 10 12
6 7 8 10 12
Task / Topic Latest Posts
Scott Elliott Contact info
Started by imzakhor
Last post by dotificus 2
Costume Help!
Started by dlaffoon0
Last post by bakermouse10133 5
Last One Out, Turn Off the Lights
Started by mvotruba
Last post by mal_havoc 26
From Fortville
Started by dlaffoon0
Last post by dlaffoon0 1
Will Call line, early in the day?
Started by gamerdork
Last post by lord thrifty the cromulent 3
Swag bags
Started by th3redranger
Last post by jedikitty 12
Total Newb Question
Started by nolanjc1
Last post by nolanjc1 7
Wifi at Gencon?
Started by lord thrifty the cromulent
Last post by jerrytel 6
Exhibitors outside the Exhibit Hall
Started by brumcg
Last post by trace_sl 2
Card Grading
Started by jrfurna
Last post by mhayward1978 6
Exhibition Hall Playing Cards Seller
Started by maniac630
Last post by loon 2
Gate 10 parking - in and out
Started by nascragman
Last post by jpederso 9
Dealer Hall Hours?
Started by tazukia
Last post by tazukia 3
VIG Companions
Started by tedweird
Last post by noone 2
Welcome to Indianapolis!
Started by lord thrifty the cromulent
Last post by lord thrifty the cromulent 1
Opening/Closing times?
Started by benares180
Last post by bakermouse10133 4
Gencon Book
Started by fugazi70
Last post by watchdog 3
Silicon Adhesive for face appliance
Started by jeehawki
Last post by bakermouse10133 2
Gencon Water bottles?
Started by shockwave
Last post by jedikitty 2
Where's a good place to park?
Started by lverhulst
Last post by bakermouse10133 2
Desparate: I need a MacBook Pro power cable!
Started by mjeffw
Last post by rogersba 3
Looking for vendors with dice towers
Started by aquabunny
Last post by rhone1 4
Turkey leg
Started by fugazi70
Last post by godai 5
Friday badge
Started by scrumblkins
Last post by scrumblkins 1
Steve Jackson
Started by fugazi70
Last post by alans 4
6 7 8 10 12