General Info 2017 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 50
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Task / Topic Latest Posts
Well Done Gen Con Staff
Started by lmengsol
Last post by matthias9 20
Lost backpack
Started by gregoryh68
Last post by gregoryh68 2
An educator going to GenCon
Started by judoka18
Last post by ryric 5
A Sunday Afternoon Haiku
Started by tdb
Last post by dukejohn 2
Steve Jackson
Started by fugazi70
Last post by alans 4
Friday badge
Started by scrumblkins
Last post by scrumblkins 1
Turkey leg
Started by fugazi70
Last post by godai 5
Help finding the location of events
Started by geezer
Last post by buffythecatslayer 6
From Fortville
Started by dlaffoon0
Last post by dlaffoon0 1
Last One Out, Turn Off the Lights
Started by mvotruba
Last post by mal_havoc 26
Costume Help!
Started by dlaffoon0
Last post by bakermouse10133 5
Scott Elliott Contact info
Started by imzakhor
Last post by dotificus 2
Guys what is up?
Started by fatherofone
Last post by lord thrifty the cromulent 6
Possible way to use the postal or logistics service?
Started by jadeyoo
Last post by ytuni 11
Exhibitor Area for Children's Games?
Started by shyeyes19
Last post by rogersba 2
Started by varelseshrike
Last post by mhayward1978 15
To Adrian Swartout - Thank You & Good Luck
Started by mvotruba
Last post by austicke 3
Gen con hype!
Started by beccaroo
Last post by beccaroo 1
Looking for a vendor...
Started by drmwalkr
Last post by wells 4
Just in time for Gen Con
Started by wolnir
Last post by wolnir 1
Christopher Yates aka Rusty Bawls
Started by hahnarama
Last post by hahnarama 6
Trouble posting?
Started by skellisnyx
Last post by roderick 2
Entering the Vendor Hall
Started by hoppities
Last post by mhayward1978 7
Will Call line, early in the day?
Started by gamerdork
Last post by lord thrifty the cromulent 3
Local Forecast for this week
Started by hahnarama
Last post by helenbb 7
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