General Info 2017 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 50
4 5 6 8 10 11 12
4 5 6 8 10 11 12
Task / Topic Latest Posts
How long does badge pickup take and when does it open?
Started by lord thrifty the cromulent
Last post by rhone1 34
OSR booths at Gen Con?
Started by dynel
Last post by quarex 14
lanyard distribution WORST ever
Started by raidkillsbugsded
Last post by lordnlkon 154
My annual list of Gen Con Survival Tips
Started by bpardoe870
Last post by aaronmlopez 17
Buying Generic Tickets
Started by sterlingarcher
Last post by glory 12
Missing Vendors this year
Started by dynel
Last post by lore seeker 21
Started by anural69
Last post by mvotruba 13
Starfinder Kiosk...
Started by trace_sl
Last post by trace_sl 9
How to take photos at a convention (and not be an idiot)
Started by snowleopard
Last post by dblade 51
Seminar Recordings
Started by rickygarske
Last post by perram 5
4 - Day Badge versus Press Badge
Started by descentsaturn
Last post by saintsabastian 5
Countdown timer off?
Started by aaronmlopez
Last post by mvotruba 6
Buying an event ticket for someone else?
Started by shadeturret
Last post by shadeturret 6
GenCon Pins
Started by hahnarama
Last post by jedikitty 12
New Attendee question finding game teachers!
Started by gcaban
Last post by gcaban 6
Started by clolry
Last post by austicke 2
New game product!
Started by wingstriker
Last post by wingstriker 1
RPG Beginner
Started by alittleparrott
Last post by pocketroid 8
{Repost} You're Going to Have a Good Con
Started by alans
Last post by lord thrifty the cromulent 13
Killing time before GC by listing what I like to do
Started by shanew
Last post by pocketroid 5
Desperately Searching for GM Badges
Started by attorneydc
Last post by jeffclarkjr 6
GenCon "Graph Paper"
Started by hahnarama
Last post by brynwall 7
So as Gencon gets closer....
Started by lordnlkon
Last post by soulcatcher78 44
Lost Badge With Attendence Sellout
Started by wendel
Last post by garhkal 7
Gen Con 50 Online Guide PDF Coming Soon?
Started by andrewj.rager
Last post by austicke 2
4 5 6 8 10 11 12