in regards of hydration options is is it better to do like gator/powerade or just straight up water
Water. Always water.
in regards of hydration options is is it better to do like gator/powerade or just straight up water
As others: Water. Bring a refillable water bottle with you - there are cold water stations all throughout the convention center - easy to keep hydrated if you take advantage of what's available for free.
Water, although I usually put some sort of flavor packet in it. Probably not better for me than straight water, but it *does* make me infinitely more likely to actually drink it.
Between those options water is the better option, but if you are a prolific sweater and are concerned with replacing electrolytes, then a water enhancer such as Nuun Hydration or MiO Sport would be far better than Gatorade/Powerade.
I vote for chocolate milk. A gallon or two in a refrigerated camelbak is perfect. Keeps you hydrated AND chocolated.
So I am also going to recommend, if you have a spare $30, a water filtration bottle. I personally use this one:
Fill it up from any water source and never worry about taste or smell and gets rid of the metals and chlorine from any fountain. Even gets rid of bacteria from all those kiddies touching the many water fountains in the arena.
Campers use this to filter even the nastiest water. You could even fill it up with the running water in the bathroom and it will be fine.
there is a lot of places to refill the water?
There are several filling stations around the ICC. Not sure about LOS.
Sorry, trully new ate Gen Con
ICC - Indiana Convention Center, where the bulk of the Con takes place.
LOS - Lucas Oil Stadium- The stadium where the Colts play. There are a number of events on the field, and True Dungeon is here as well. It’s connected to the ICC by an underground walkway.
ICC = Indiana Convention Center. The central building in which the vendors will be set up, and where many games take place. However, Gen Con has massively overflowed the ICC so events are also held in function rooms of nearby hotels and in ...
LOS = Lucas Oil Stadium. The football stadium across the street from the ICC.
Tks for the explain!
There are several places to refill a bottle. I also find a backpack with a bladder to be great for sipping throughout the day.
just searching for a water bottle or else
Got this from someone at another convention I'm going to. That con is July in Los Angeles, so hydration is a MUST. Amazon has a decent camel pack up right now for $35.
And def will agree that water is the best option, not sports drinks. Honestly, unless you are doing a daily, multi-hour long work out, nearly on par with pro athletes/body builders, sports drinks have little to no value in your diet. They are specifically made for intense workouts that drain electrolytes from the body. They just make their money by convincing your average morning runner/3 hour a week gym-goer that they need to add Gatorade to "maximize" their workout.
Does i need a camel pack?
I was thinking in take a water bottle with me all time
You don't need to buy a new backpack. Water bottles will do just fine. You can fill some bottles at your hotel the night before and put them in the fridge to get cold, so at least in the morning, you've got cool water. I found these sleeves to be useful to keep things cool and keep the sweat off the rest of the stuff in the pack. Not sure if you need 6 though. :-)