One of my friends carries a small stick of unopened deodorant in his bag. If he sits down at a table to play a game and someone is a bit ripe, he will offer it to the person quietly. All but once, the person gladly accepted it, as they were not aware they offended. The one guy refused the offer and we got up and left because he was really rank.
In general though, that has only happened twice at GenCon (the other times were at other gaming events) and I would echo the sentiment that gamers have done a pretty darn good job at overcoming that stereotype over the years.
Though carrying around a bottle of Febreeze at the convention seems like overkill. Just tell the guy he reeks and if he doesn't leave, then bail on the event yourself. I suspect that no game is worth having to endure a player who is a stranger to soap and water.
i´m really worried in being rude, tks a lot.
Here you are, having to wallow in the stench of someone else, and you don't want to hurt THEIR feelings? They have already shown that they don't care one whiff about YOUR feelings, that they have zero respect for those around them.
I got you point, but i still want to be polite.