Travel, Housing, and Dining 2019 ( Locked)
Discussion about eating, sleeping, and getting to Gen Con 2019
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Sub Forums
Task / Topic Latest Posts
2019 Hotel Prices
Started by galvatron42
Last post by jojofish 7
Gen KAHN!!!!!!!
Started by qwaserity
Last post by wanun 5
New Embassy Suites by the airport
Started by ematuskey
Last post by ematuskey 3
Hope you got your Scotty's fix in last year
Started by hahnarama
Last post by njseahawksfan 17
Hotel lottery question
Started by kbeal2k
Last post by andrewj.rager 20
Southwest flights open
Started by squirecam
Last post by buffythecatslayer 6
Greek's Pizzeria now open downtown.
Started by lord thrifty the cromulent
Last post by matthias9 2
What Time Did You Get?
Started by njseahawksfan
Last post by tonythetoyman 48
Traditional King vs. Standard King Hilton
Started by ladywielder
Last post by cman811 2
Remember - two new "Hyatt" hotels this year
Started by roderick
Last post by roderick 1
Rooms going faster than last year?
Started by noahco
Last post by hendelbolaf 50
Credit Cards accepted by Q Rooms?
Started by kaliena
Last post by austicke 2
Downtown Westin has rooms available tonight
Started by wienhusen
Last post by gib_rebeg 2
I thought the Conrad hotel was skywalk connected
Started by aldctjoc
Last post by maijstral2 6
Favorite Vegan Eats?
Started by asheneyed
Last post by nbrubaker 10
Housing portal “live news coverage” on Facebook
Started by austicke
Last post by austicke 60
Checking in to hotel
Started by tpir
Last post by austicke 2
Post early hotel deals here?
Started by del_grande
Last post by quarex 27
Housing/Credit Card Question
Started by shyeyes19
Last post by traveller 3
Cutoff for randomized housing assignments
Started by wogasm
Last post by traveller 10
HSG Podcast Gen Con Survival Guide: Part 1 Housing. Couple tips for newer Gen Con attendees.
Started by daxhammond
Last post by daxhammond 1
Annual "Make Housing Fair" Discussion (Summary)
Started by suburbaknght
Last post by bigfathairyguy 97
How quickly do all the downtown rooms get taken on Sunday?
Started by kbeal2k
Last post by tryanw 11
Parking Alternatives - Overnight Parking Downtown?
Started by kaliena
Last post by buffythecatslayer 22
Annual "Housing Sucks" Party
Started by gib_rebeg
Last post by raidkillsbugsded 13
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