Not that this has any bearing on GC, but it is a good sign that some conventions may actually run. Geekway to the West just announced they are re-scheduling to October 5-7, 2021 from May timeframe. Yes, it is Tues-Thur due to schedule conflicts with the venue.
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Thanks, that is interesting. Cons going mid week is something that hadn’t occurred to me, but for this year could make sense. I would take a few more days off to have a gen con.
Keep in mind that it takes time to setup and dismantle (longer to setup).
Not as much time as you say.
I can totally see conventions getting creative this year--the pent-up demand is there if they can figure something out!
I'm still feeling optimistic that things will be looking a lot better by summer--3 vaccines and a dearth of international travel may get this under control in the next few months, if we keep the numbers of people getting their shots going up. I still expect to be wearing a mask until 2022 at least (and honestly, I may wear a mask whenever I fly from now on--in hindsight, some of the sickest I've gotten over the years has been after flying!). But I know that may be an /overly/ optimistic view, heh.