General Info 2021 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 2021
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Task / Topic Latest Posts
Official Gen Con 2021 Convention updates
Started by mikeboozer
Last post by mikeboozer 9
Woo, in-person event!
Started by ematuskey
Last post by mikeptas 2
When do the 2022 Forums start?
Started by njseahawksfan
Last post by toxic_rat 14
Questions from April Health and Safety Update
Started by manimal
Last post by garhkal 7
150 Days and counting.
Started by gib_rebeg
Last post by mikeboozer 5
Which comes first: chicken (answers) or egg (badges)?
Started by deathdwarf
Last post by adcjones 34
When will further announcment be made?
Started by xanathon
Last post by boute001 38
bold predictions
Started by zenmazster
Last post by forar 114
Early Gen Con week arrival gaming?
Started by pshep999
Last post by pshep999 18
Exhibit Hall question
Started by thesuperskrull
Last post by mikeboozer 8
Trade Day 2021?
Started by qwaserity
Last post by midea 5
Foreign Attendees
Started by loeil
Last post by colbrook 7
Exhibit Hall?
Started by brumcg
Last post by quarex 60
Capped attendance with rolled over badges
Started by xanathon
Last post by thesuperskrull 60
First post for 2021!!!
Started by crusader77
Last post by mikeboozer 20
Gen Con Postpones 2021 Convention to September
Started by adcjones
Last post by lore seeker 16
Let's assume Gen Con happens...
Started by oldcurmudgeonstudios
Last post by drich02s 65
Gen Con Spring Showcase
Started by rutherfordr
Last post by mikeboozer 2
San Diego Comic Con Cancelled until 2022
Started by hahnarama
Last post by technoir 8
Gencon "NOT" Listed On The ICC Website:
Started by al_kesselring
Last post by knuteski 26
Regarding the coronavirus survey, policies need to have no exceptions or they are useless.
Started by joeyskywalker
Last post by garhkal 241
Requiring COVID immunizations
Started by jetermi
Last post by mikeboozer 28
Did the VIGs get picked yet or waiting TBD?
Started by sketchsong
Last post by narzat 36
Geekway to the West moves to October
Started by mal_havoc
Last post by ematuskey 7
A Good "Sign"
Started by mikeboozer
Last post by traveller 36
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