Hotel info is up. Nothing about registration.
Posted by donaldbain

Posted by colbrook

Attendee group housing registration will open at noon (Eastern) on June 6, 2021 (“opening day”). Starting on that day, attendees can visit the online Gen Con housing portal to review guest room inventory and request a room assignment. 

Posted by jhs

Does that mean no lottery?  First come (well, successfully log in) first serve?

Posted by donaldbain jhs

jhs wrote:
Does that mean no lottery?  First come (well, successfully log in) first serve?
Scheduled access to the housing portal is required to distribute initial opening server demand, eliminating housing registration "time outs" and system crashes. When housing registration opens, attendees who have purchased badges will be tallied and randomly assigned housing registration access times, after which they can use their “Request Room” links to visit the online housing portal to request specific room assignments."

Posted by del_grande donaldbain

donaldbain wrote:
jhs wrote:
Does that mean no lottery?  First come (well, successfully log in) first serve?
Scheduled access to the housing portal is required to distribute initial opening server demand, eliminating housing registration "time outs" and system crashes. When housing registration opens, attendees who have purchased badges will be tallied and randomly assigned housing registration access times, after which they can use their “Request Room” links to visit the online housing portal to request specific room assignments."

That implies they're going back to the method used when the random time assignments started (2015?) - you don't know your time until you log onto the portal for the first time, rather than being sent an email the day before with the time. As I recall, the main problem with this was, if you were assigned a time around, say, 3 PM, you didn't have the opportunity to plan to be able to do something else, wasting a huge chunk of the day.

Then again, it could just be an oversight; the page also says that you have to purchase a badge by Friday 6/4 in order to get an entry time.

Posted by austicke

No, it's the same as last year.

Posted by dlkinghorn

Sorry- I'm still confused. Are they doing the random timed access to the housing portal or can anyone and everyone book a hotel starting at noon on June 6?

Posted by austicke dlkinghorn

dlkinghorn wrote:Sorry- I'm still confused. Are they doing the random timed access to the housing portal or can anyone and everyone book a hotel starting at noon on June 6?

The former. Same as last year.

Posted by dlkinghorn austicke

austicke wrote:
dlkinghorn wrote:Sorry- I'm still confused. Are they doing the random timed access to the housing portal or can anyone and everyone book a hotel starting at noon on June 6?

The former. Same as last year.

Ok cool. Thank you so much! 

Posted by njseahawksfan austicke

austicke wrote:
dlkinghorn wrote:Sorry- I'm still confused. Are they doing the random timed access to the housing portal or can anyone and everyone book a hotel starting at noon on June 6?

The former. Same as last year.

Would it be possible for Gen Con to state this plainly on the housing page?  I came here to ask for clarification also because it's not currently very clear what the policy is.

Posted by njseahawksfan njseahawksfan

njseahawksfan wrote:
austicke wrote:
dlkinghorn wrote:Sorry- I'm still confused. Are they doing the random timed access to the housing portal or can anyone and everyone book a hotel starting at noon on June 6?

The former. Same as last year.

Would it be possible for Gen Con to state this plainly on the housing page?  I came here to ask for clarification also because it's not currently very clear what the policy is.

Here's a quote from the Attendee Guide regarding the Housing Portal

On opening day, all room assignment requests must be submitted online via the housing portal.
To request a room assignment, follow these steps:

    1. Sign in to your Gen Con account.
    2. Visit your My Housing page.
    3. Click the "Request Room" link.
    4. Click "Go To Housing Portal." The link will connect you with the online system where you can select the hotel and room type you want to be assigned. Submit all required information, read and accept the Terms of Service, then submit your room request.

Posted by jhs

Not to complain, but that doesn’t address the question I think. Basically, it would help if it said “you will receive an email the day before telling you what time the housing portal will be open for you.  At that time…” and then the above.  Unless this is there and I missed it.

Posted by austicke

Same as last year. The email notification isn't specifically mentioned, but it will be sent. If you miss the email, you can login to My Housing at anytime to see your access time.


Scheduled access to the housing portal is required to distribute initial opening server demand, eliminating housing registration "time outs" and system crashes. When housing registration opens, attendees who have purchased badges will be tallied and randomly assigned housing registration access times, after which they can use their “Request Room” links to visit the online housing portal to request specific room assignments.

After the randomized scheduling occurs, a countdown timer for your unique access time will appear on the “My Housing” page of your Gen Con account. Attendees should be aware that access to the online housing portal will be spread out over many hours, the duration of which depends on how many customers are queued for access. After opening day, housing registration access will be granted immediately upon completion of badge purchases.

Important note: Badges must be purchased by Friday, June 4, 2021 to be included in the randomized access queue. Any customers who purchase badges after the randomized housing access times have been issued will be placed at the end of the initial queue.


Posted by nomicon

Attendee Badges

On Saturday, June 5 an email will be sent to you containing a randomly assigned time that you can begin accessing the Housing Portal to make your room request(s). Access to the Housing Portal will begin on Sunday, June 6 at Noon (Eastern). When your time comes the "Request Room" button(s) below will be enabled. Select the button(s) corresponding to the people you want to reserve a room for and you will be taken to the Housing Portal to make your room request(s).

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