Star Trek: Ascendancy Friday 10am
Posted by papabees

I will be running a ST: Ascendancy game Friday at 10am

There are currently 4 open seats for six players total

If there are new players the game will likely run until 4-5pm

Borg expansion will not be used but all other factions available (Vulcans for experienced players only)

Hoping to play in the Marriott or another hotel but will settle for ICC Hall A if needed

You may contact me by replying below or feel free to email me at papabees (at) comcast dot net (No spaces).

Feel free to ask any questions. 

Posted by alkorahil

I will be there, looking forward to it!

Posted by papabees

Posted by papabees

I plan to update this post once we have an open table.

Posted by papabees

Board I've put together for the event. 

Posted by alkorahil

Looks good

Posted by amoebasinger

I just played Star Trek: Ascendancy for the first time yesterday.
Is this event sold out?  Is this part of the scheduled events?
I assume that there will not be any more events scheduled? :(


Posted by alkorahil

It is my understanding that this is not a scheduled event.

Posted by amoebasinger

Can I join, and where will you be?


Posted by papabees

Posted by papabees amoebasinger

amoebasinger wrote:
Can I join, and where will you be?
Amoebasinger, yes you can join. That will leave one more seat. As to area, I plan to update this post as soon as we get a table in Open Gaming so stay tuned.

Posted by incarna

is that spot still available? If so, I'd like to join.

Posted by papabees amoebasinger

amoebasinger wrote:
Can I join, and where will you be?
Sorry. Was on my mobile and wanted to get you a quick answer. This is not a ticketed event but my buddy and I saw that all the Ascendancy events sold out so we decided to host our own. It will be held in the open gaming area, hopefully in one of the hotel game areas but possibly in the open gaming hall in the ICC. Since we don't have details about how the tables work yet, we cannot pin it down in regard to location. We have five players currently committed (including yourself) so we are certainly playing. The where is the only question. I hope to nail that down Thursday and post but in reality it could be Friday AM before we know for sure the where. Stay tuned.

Current players:

Papabees friend #1
Papabees friend #2

Posted by papabees incarna

incarna wrote:
is that spot still available? If so, I'd like to join.
You're in. I'll update the above.

Posted by papabees incarna

incarna wrote:
is that spot still available? If so, I'd like to join.
As a curiosity, have you played before? It will help me prepare.

Posted by incarna

Yes. I own the core game as well as the Cardassian and Ferengi expansions.

Posted by papabees

To all above, given your schedules, do you need the game to end at 4pm?

Posted by alkorahil

I can go all the way to 6pm

Posted by papabees

OK peeps/ We will be meeting in Hall A in the ICC. My hope is to be at the Southend of the hall which is the same side as the dealer hall. I'll have on a black T-shirt that says Trekkie in white. If you want to call or text feel free. The number is three one seven 437 two two 45. If you cannot make it let me know so we can fill the seat tomorrow.


Posted by amoebasinger

thumbs up


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