Will Gencon have things setup again over at Lucas Oil Stadium?
Fantastic! Some of the best events back in 2019 were playing games in the middle of the field of the stadium.
i love telling my football fan friends that I’ve played on the Colt’s field
Any chance of getting a Starbucks in LOS?
It really is funny how compared to being anywhere else at Gen-Con, being in Lucas Oil Stadium makes you feel like you are far away from civilization and are on your own if something goes wrong. Even though, I mean, yeah, it is like a 5-minute walk back to Georgia Street, but that feels SO FAR
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Are there any concessions or food in or near the stadium on Thursday? We have multiple events at the stadium with only an hour between them for meals. If not, we might need to pack sandwiches.
I suggested to my gaming group a couple years ago that we should do our fantasy football draft at Lucas Oil Stadium since only one our our league mates did not routinely attend GanCon. But with the early draft time and such it did not happen. It could have been so epic! Plus, if it were a sit-con a player or two would have shown up. Instead we went with having our True Dungeon coach draw our draft order. Pretty cool, but not as epic as drafting our team in the stands of Lucas Oil Stadium.
There should be an event for this, since only two of our extended game group does not play fantasy football.