Wild Bills Soda
Posted by thag13

Does anyone know if they are
atte4nding this year?

Posted by brumcg thag13

thag13 wrote:
Does anyone know if they are
atte4nding this year?

They are.

Posted by thag13

Thanks for the info
I assume the mods can close this thread if need be

Posted by roderick thag13

thag13 wrote:
Thanks for the info
I assume the mods can close this thread if need be

Yes we could, but why would we need to? 

Roderick Robertson
Gen Con Forum Moderator

Posted by kertdawg

Does Wild Bills typically bring anything sugar-free to GenCon? If so is it any good? 

Posted by donniep kertdawg

kertdawg wrote:
Does Wild Bills typically bring anything sugar-free to GenCon? If so is it any good? 
They did last year, and it was very good.

Posted by cinnibar

Sorry,  I didn't like the taste myself.   YMMV.

I hope they have samples in the Exhibit Hall again to tempt folks so they can judge for themselves. 

Posted by thag13

I hope will bills is in the exhibit hall and not out side at the food trucks

Posted by hahnarama

It's always outside, except for the sample booth

on a side note I'm going to spend the $40 ? and try it this year. It falls under my try something NEW at every Gen Con. I figure I don't drink like i sue to so my kidneys should get the chance to play catch up with my destroyed Liver 

Posted by random_axcess

As stated above Wild Bill's or any food/drink will always be outside due to contracts. Years ago when Voodoo Elixers had a booth on the floor selling cases or Root Jack you had to pick it up after the convention or one of the local bars. They were not allowed to hand you a soda while inside the convention area.

Posted by thag13

Again Thanks for the info, I plan on bringing my mug i got from them at my last gencon and bring a metal tumbler with a lid to pour the drink into

Posted by fethbone thag13

thag13 wrote:
I hope will bills is in the exhibit hall and not out side at the food trucks
You can buy cans at the booth exhibit hall but you cant get the mug refilled.

there were some decent sugar free flavors at the booth for sampling but none of them were available at the refill station outside. I remember being about to buy a mug after tasting inside and then not due to that.

Posted by whisper721

I hope they have a way to get rid of all the yellow jackets this year lol.. They didnt bother anyone that I know of.. but very uncomfortable for those of us that are allergic.  But TBH.. Its worth the risk!!!!!!!   gatlin gun grape is Da Bomb!!!!!

Posted by ungmar9567 hahnarama

hahnarama wrote:
on a side note I'm going to spend the $40 ? and try it this year. It falls under my try something NEW at every Gen Con. I figure I don't drink like i sue to so my kidneys should get the chance to play catch up with my destroyed Liver 
That's pretty much the same reason I will be trying it this year!

I thought about ordering a mug online. They have several designs. But do they have a special design they only bring to  Gen Con? 

Posted by lanogironu whisper721

whisper721 wrote:
I hope they have a way to get rid of all the yellow jackets this year lol.. They didnt bother anyone that I know of.. but very uncomfortable for those of us that are allergic.  But TBH.. Its worth the risk!!!!!!!   gatlin gun grape is Da Bomb!!!!!

I doubt that'll happen hah, though we can be glad the sugar keeps them occupied and they don't really care about the people 

Posted by hahnarama

Question about the mug. If I get a real carabiner with a with a twist lock will that fit around the handle so I can attach it to my bag?  

Or maybe a better question is how do you carry/attach your mug

Thanks in advance

Signed the who's office window overlooks the ICC...and its KILLING me :)


Posted by whisper721 hahnarama

hahnarama wrote:
Question about the mug. If I get a real carabiner with a with a twist lock will that fit around the handle so I can attach it to my bag?  
Or maybe a better question is how do you carry/attach your mug
Thanks in advance
Signed the who's office window overlooks the ICC...and its KILLING me :)
I didnt use mine.. I drank.. then went in and rinsed it out for later use..put it back into my bag...lol  but I did see a tooooonnnnnnn of folks with em hanging.


Posted by helenbb

[This post has been removed]

Posted by hahnarama helenbb

helenbb wrote:
At renaissance faires it's really popular to have a little leather strap attached to your belt to hold your drinking mug. I'd bet that you could find those for sale on the exhibit floor.
No offense but that's way too nerdy, at least for me, and the irony is not lost on me since we are all choosing to attend a NERD convention 

Posted by cman811

Im pretty sure they also sold a carabiner to do exactly what you're planning, so yeah as long as they didn't engineer their mugs to only fit *their* carabiner then you should be fine. 

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