Hello, I am attending the show for the first time ever this year, and I was having trouble finding clarification on this information especially if things may be different in past years: Are food and/or beverages for personal consumption allowed in the convention?
I personally am only interested in simply bringing my own water bottle walking around and attending the show and nothing more. But I know some other shows do not even allow that upon entry due to the venue's own restrictions.
There should be no issues. I carry a water bottle around with no issues other than I leave it behind from time to time. Also, many people carry snack type food around to carry them through to meal time.
Yes. Pretty sure I saw this confirmed by Derek on Discord last night. Individuals can bring in food or drink, but you can't bring in, say, a stack of pizzas for a whole booth of vendors.
I would just ask anyone reading this (not OP, since they only mentioned a water bottle) to apply the Wheaton Rule when eating anything at a table with somebody else's game on it, and just keep an eye out to make sure they don't get anything on any components.
I've brought in my own bottle of whatever (usually Coke Zero) without incident or even a glace from anyone. That's probably not even noticed.
Yes, food and drinks you have brought yourself are allowed in the ICC and convention areas.
Water or soda bottles are practically de rigeur for a lot of attendees. A lot of people have small snacks with them and some people bring sandwiches or other easily portable things to eat quickly during a break.
Basically just keep in mind basic public courtesy. Don't make a mess or do anything that could get grease/sauce/food on someone else's stuff. If you have to eat something during a game for blood sugar, medication etc, try to make it something clean, low odor, and self contained (protein bar, candy).
Also remember that you should only expect to pull down your mask for a moment in a GC controlled space to take a sip. Probably best to step out to eat/drink more than an occasional bite/sip.
That wasn’t my experience
in the Sagamore (Pathfinder/Starfinder) they would “advise” you nicely (and some times not so much) to take your stuff out whether it was food or snacks or soda. I was told only water allowed…which is dumb at the least when compared to any other beverage since the process to drink it is the same. They really put a dark cloud over an otherwise really awesome Gencon for me and my friends. Even when I explained that I get low blood sugar from time to time and have to take a small snack whether some candy or a breakfast bar, nothing crazy ….I was told “outside only”
meanwhile other places at Gencon and near the concession stands there were big groups of un masked people. At JW rooms while tables had people playing games with no masks and eating snacks and drinking whatever they wanted.
not fun
Sounds like their interpretations were not really based on Gen-Con's standards.