I'm usually running events and this is my first time going without running things. I'm trying to plan which events to pick, but the catalog doesn't seem out yet? I see that you can pick events on April 15th? Does the catalog not come out until then? Is there no way to plan ahead?
Event registration is on May 15 and the catalog is typically released two or three weeks ahead of registration
Yeah, trust me more and more events are released all the time. I was constantly changing my event schedule in previous years.
Thanks everyone! Also, glad I had the dates wrong. It looked (to me) like we would have to pick in a hurry. Often, all the games we found would be filled and it was frustrating.
Looks like I will have some time. I'm also not running events this year, so it will be easier to pick stuff.
In past years, most events submitted before the regular deadline (March 13 this year, I think) have made it into the catalog by registration in May. But, as others have stated, they will continue to add events pretty much up to the week before the convention. You can then keep changing your events, dropping some and adding new ones, until the convention, with one major caveat.
For events that still have paper tickets, once those start printing (mid June), you will no longer be able to drop those events and replace them. If you find something you like better in the same timeslot, you are basically SOL until Gen Con starts and you can turn in those paper tickets.
Of course, by then, the new events you wanted will be full. ;-(
"Still have paper tickets"?
I'm pretty old school -- okay, "archaic" is probably a more accurate word -- always preferring something tangible like paper tickets, and I'm very smartphone-impaired.
How's this new ticketing system work?
Electronic Ticketing FAQ
Thanks, Austicke. Good to know that I'll only need my badge (okay, and possibly my packing list).