I was out of town when all the events went on sale, and my husband had to be the person in charge of getting all of our tickets. We had a group of 4 but were only able to get 3 True Dungeon tickets. He accidentally bought one for me, our friend, and himself. He should have purchased for me, our friend, and our other friend. Does anyone know how hard it is to transfer the ownership of the ticket to someone else in your party? All i can seem to find is "return ticket" which I absolutely don't want to do (seeing as it was so hard to even get three). Is there an email I can reach out to in order to have the ticket put on the other person? I assumed worst case scenario he just swaps badges with my friend before the event starts, but I don't want to get in trouble or kicked out (especially at 88 dollars a pop).
In the same place where you could add tickets to your wishlist, there should now be a button to "Transfer ticket". If that does nothing then they haven't activated the function yet, but it will be there.
Thanks, got to make sure my husband has friended him so he can swap. It's only letting me transfer mine right now.