How long is event review taking?
Posted by cigarpete

I've three events I submitted for Wednesday night about a week ago and just wondering when they will be reviewed. Would like to give people a chance to join before event ticket mailing deadline next week.

Posted by buffythecatslayer

I submitted two events 3 weeks ago and they are still sitting in "Submitted for Review", so unlikely any events submitted last week will get in before they send tickets.

Posted by derekguder

Unfortunately, right now is when a whole lot of details need to be confirmed for events that were submitted on time - plus Origins in this week, as well. It's unlikely events submitted this late will be addressed before we get back from that show, honestly.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by cigarpete

Thanks for the response Derek

Posted by cigarpete

Any sort of an ETA when we should expect the backlog to be worked through?

Posted by derekguder

Unfortunately, if we had a solid ETA we would provide it.

I would not expect any major event review this week, as we're getting stuff done for final deadline. We'll likely have more time to turn to late submissions after that point, but late events are always nebulous. Events that were submitted on time and other hard deadlines are given priority, so late events will realistically get bumped if and when things come up.

And conventions being what conventions are, things always come up, which is why it's basically just an exercise in frustration to give a timeline until we have a chance to just sit down and do it, basically.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by cigarpete

With the con being a month away now, I'd just like to know whether my events will go through or if I should start making other arrangements. 

Posted by derekguder

Unless the event has very special needs, chances are we'll be able to accommodate it, but we can't confirm late events until we've finalized all the details for stuff that is already Active, unfortunately.

If you need to finalize your plans now, though, and need to cancel it if it can't be confirmed right away, just email [email protected] to let us know and we'll get it taken care of, and you can submit it early for next year.

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

Posted by buffythecatslayer

Now that the rush of shipping is complete (or almost), will you be able to start reviewing the late submissions?

Posted by cigarpete

My events came through last night. I submitted beginning of June, not sure if that gives any indication.

Posted by buffythecatslayer

I submitted mine May 18, so hopefully they’ll get to them soon.

Posted by buffythecatslayer

My events submitted on May 18 are now live.

Derek, thanks for getting them in.  I hope your system has a bulk upload; otherwise, you were working at 3am.  I hope you get some rest before the Con, but that seems unlikely.

Posted by derekguder

I was working at 3 am, actually, but I can updated events in bulk. That's how the majority of event review & placement gets done.

Thanks for running games!

Derek Guder
Event Manager
Gen Con LLC

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