From the EO/GM newsletter:
Limited Event Submission for Gen Con Indy 2021Due to constrained space and time available for events on our new dates of September 16-19 this year, as well as anticipated requirements for social distancing and safety precautions, event submission will be limited to a curated list of event organizers.
This list is primarily composed of groups that run sufficient volume of events to manage dedicated space for the whole convention, as well as some additional key events. If you would like to run physical events at Gen Con Indy this year, either because you have enough GMs to manage several tables or have an idea particularly well suited to this year’s limitations, please email with a detailed summary for approval. Event organizers that are not pre-approved will not have access to the event submission form for Gen Con Indy 2021.
Expanded open gaming space will be provided this year to accommodate independent and individual GMs, though games in those spaces will not be ticketed or scheduled in our registration system.
This change is only for this year. Details on event submission for 2022 and beyond will be provided on the typical timeline for convention planning.
Existing events submitted in 2020 will be canceled shortly, but will still be visible in your account for future reference.
Absence from Gen Con Indy 2021 will not have any detrimental effect on space consideration or assignments for future conventions - this is a challenging year for many and will not be held against anyone. Event organizers and GMs that will not be attending Gen Con Indy are encouraged to run events at Gen Con Online. Online events will follow a different submission, review, and registration timeline, the details for which will be announced soon.For more information on Gen Con’s current plans for the convention in Indianapolis this year, please refer to our April Health and Safety Update.
- Gen Con Events Team