Event Organizers & GMs
For Event Organizers and GMs to discuss hosting events at Gen Con
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Task / Topic Latest Posts
GM email: Event Submission Opens Jan 6, Event Host Policy Updated
Started by derekguder
Last post by derekguder 1
Question Regarding Scheduling Back to Back Events
Started by jerrytel
Last post by derekguder 2
How are no-shows handled?
Started by boardcrunch
Last post by derekguder 13
Started by ianengle
Last post by derekguder 2
X-Wing Events
Started by boardcrunch
Last post by brewski 13
GM training
Started by derekguder
Last post by nscott 35
Recruiting new GMs
Started by derekguder
Last post by biffindy 42
High-Demand Games from 2015
Started by derekguder
Last post by kiori 86
5-8 player group celebrating two 40th b-days looking for RPG
Started by lord elderon
Last post by hendelbolaf 16
My tournament size was decreased from 64 to 16?
Started by boardcrunch
Last post by derekguder 4
Storage Space for SPA classes?
Started by usthibodeaux
Last post by vutpakdi 4
Minimum vs. maximum no. of players and player-hours per game
Started by shay77
Last post by kidlidar 7
Question about GMing a game
Started by steffles
Last post by parody 6
Should I join a gaming group, or run independently?
Started by terraspaz
Last post by brotherbock 7
Legend of the Five Rings (RPG)
Started by ahorsewithnoname
Last post by sabel 3
Repeating a scenario
Started by shay77
Last post by derekguder 3
Set up time?
Started by rsdean
Last post by garhkal 3
Best times to run games.
Started by belgath
Last post by derekguder 11
How to cancel an event submission?
Started by alanquatermain
Last post by derekguder 6
Playtest Hall?
Started by bmhgames15
Last post by braewe 16
Hotel reimbursement
Started by boardcrunch
Last post by suburbaknght 9
GM and additional TO's reimbursements
Started by boardcrunch
Last post by otthawk1 9
EO/GM Email: Attendee Badge Opens Jan 22, Housing Jan 24
Started by derekguder
Last post by derekguder 1
Spartacus Publishing looking for GM for Luchador:Way of the Mask
Started by moloche
Last post by moloche 2
Groups and Independent
Started by primordial fire
Last post by derekguder 4
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