Outer Worlds.
Posted by alkorahil 1 year agoon 4/1/2023 at 10:22 PM

So I got the Gencon email this afternoon  about this Outer Worlds event thing and read the email.   The email did  not make much sense or say much so i then read the full press release that was attached.  That also did not really say anything or make any sense.  
I think the writers tried to make it too cute and clever and lost all of the message in the process?

So, What is it?  

Posted by cinnibar 1 year agoon 4/2/2023 at 1:12 AM

Gen Con is putting the SPACE in Gen Con, with rocket shuttle excursions to other planets during the convention.

You heard it here first on April 1st.

Terms and Conditions Apply.  Quantities are Limited.  Please have your valid passport and sense of humor available.

Posted by ndgeekboy alkorahil 1 year agoon 4/2/2023 at 7:27 AM

alkorahil wrote:
So I got the Gencon email this afternoon  about this Outer Worlds event thing and read the email.   The email did  not make much sense or say much so i then read the full press release that was attached.  That also did not really say anything or make any sense.  
I think the writers tried to make it too cute and clever and lost all of the message in the process?
So, What is it?  

Have to admit, I just don't know either. I wonder if it's a VR thing or maybe something like Artemis. 

And that note about banning people from Gen Con 2023 if they make any sort of contact with "said primitive alien civilization"? Seriously? If that doesn't put people off, I don't know what would.

Posted by traveller 1 year agoon 4/2/2023 at 10:22 AM

And what was the date you got the email.....

Posted by ndgeekboy 1 year agoon 4/3/2023 at 7:06 AM

Oh < raspberries >

Posted by mikeboozer 1 year agoon 4/3/2023 at 4:03 PM

The hoodie is real btw! 


Posted by ndgeekboy mikeboozer 1 year agoon 4/3/2023 at 11:39 PM

mikeboozer wrote:
The hoodie is real btw! 

Yeah. Un-huh. Sure.

Fool me once and all that jazz :P

Posted by mikeboozer ndgeekboy 1 year agoon 4/4/2023 at 5:53 PM

ndgeekboy wrote:
mikeboozer wrote:
The hoodie is real btw! 

Yeah. Un-huh. Sure.Fool me once and all that jazz :P

It is, Roll Crit is putting it out for us just like the Underworld one last year.


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