copying wish list
Posted by larryanthony

Is it possible to copy a family/friends wish list into my wish list?


Posted by qwaserity

+1 on this question. I have family and friends coming this year but I can't see their wishlist. We will communicate a lot on Sunday when the wishlist go live but it would be nice to see each other's list in the future.

P.S. Yes, yes, I know... I shared my google sheets doc so my friends can see what I'm signing up for but having the actual GenCon page do it would give each of us the links to our events.

Posted by austicke

An automated way? Nah.

Posted by dwarfknight

I don't believe there is a way to see the wishlist. Once you are able to buy tickets you will be able to see your friend's schedule.

Posted by lupeoyer larryanthony

 geometry dash wrote:Is it possible to copy a family/friends wish list into my wish list? 
I would much like to utilize my badge for all of the activities if they were all accessible as electronic tickets.

Posted by poppy12

This information on the website is excellent. In reality, hardly many people do it. the manner you just did. That so much information has come to light on this subject and that you have worked so hard astounds me. poppy playtime

Posted by shanould larryanthony

 Doodle Jump Unblocked wrote:
Is it possible to copy a family/friends wish list into my wish list?
It would be super helpful to copy family or friends' wish lists into your own! Hopefully, this feature gets added soon—it would save time and make planning easier.

Posted by ellhopgross poppy12

Escape Road Game wrote:
This information on the website is excellent. In reality, hardly many people do it. the manner you just did. That so much information has come to light on this subject and that you have worked so hard astounds me.
I am amazed that so much knowledge has been revealed on this topic and that you have put in so much effort.

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