What's in your bag 2024 Edition
Posted by hahnarama

Well we've completed

  1. Badge Registration
  2. Hotel Lottery
  3. Event Registration

That means there is only one more item to complete


Posted by del_grande

I assume by "bag," you mean whatever bag / fanny pack / whatever that you carry around with you at the Con?

I would like to know if there's even a preferred type/style of bag - I usually don't carry one.

Posted by a dark rider on a pale ... unicorn?

I try to travel as light as possible during the Con, and I got lucky with a downtown hotel room this time, so My Bag, Baby, has at a minimum 

  • Tickets for the day's events
  • Whatever Dice seem like they'd be useful 
  • Little notebook, pen & pencil , because that's usually useful 
  • Painkillers - if I can find a small pack, all the better 
  • Groovy-ness
  • Swedish-Made Pe.... No, wait, that's not mine ...

If I can get away with it, I'll carry everything in my pockets & my badge wallet thing, though I often end up having to take a small backpack if I'm going to have multiple games in a row ( water bottle, maybe some kind of snack ) or if I'm going anywhere near the Exhibit/Dealer/Where Did My Money Go Hall

Going to get a folding/packable backpack this time, if I can find something that packs down small enough.

Posted by spaceconfessional

I keep wallet/phone/lip balm/ear plugs in my pockets

For the bag itself, I keep a backpack with:

  • OTC painkillers of variety (ibuprofin, excedrin, tylenol)
  • pads/tampons for anyone who needs it in a pinch
  • small emergency sewing kit
  • notebook/sketchbook with pencils and pens for when I'm stuck somewhere and need to do something with my hands or writing down notes
  • Kindle/book for downtime
  • some reusable tote bags if what I buy is too big for my backpack
  • collapsible cane for when my leg inevitably gets too bad
  • water bottle
  • snacks (something sweet, and something high protein) I can eat on the go
  • chargers and cords (usb-c, android, apple lightning cord)
  • headphones

It's the same bag I use for my flight carry-on, so it's fairly large but lightweight. A lot of this is from experiences at other conventions over the years and just being prepared for myself and anyone else around me who may have missed something. 

Posted by qwaserity

I have two new things to pack this year!!!

  1. Everything I need for running beginner's D&D on Saturday.
  2. Nitroglycerin pills. (If you know, you know...)

Posted by aldctjoc


... no, I'm kidding. Seriously, with all the food options around, I don't need to carry anything to eat.

What I carry depends on the circumstance. If I don't have a gaming event in the immediate future, I'll just carry a small tablet satchel containing my iPad, one of my smaller charger battery packs & usb cables, ibuprofen, lactase pills, small bluetooth stereo headphones, back scratcher (LOL, a total necessity!), some band aids (seriously), and a small screen cleaning kit for the iPad (spray bottle & small cloth to wipe screen). 

If I'm going to a game, then I carry a larger messenger bag, and the loadout is variable. But it usually contains: Necessary source books and other printed material for the game, dice box (or boxes, depending), that iPad, a larger charger and usb cables, the same ibuprofen & lactase as above, the screen cleaning kit, that back scratcher (seriously!), and if need be a small bottle of water or pop for drinking. 

And then usually the larger bag gets filled with stuff from the vendor hall. 

Posted by thag13

AS nearly 40 year vet of conventions, I will suggest a few additions 

Lens cleaners : If you are a glasses wearing person, having a few of the wet style lens cleaners are useful. these also work for the various device screens that most of us carry now.

For you other end of your body, wet sap cleaners for bathroom use is also a good idea. Toilet paper can runout , and having a few of these ina sip lock bag has save my a...... keister  more than once.

Sunglasses and a hat. When going inside and out, the sudden shock of sunlight has nearly blinded me  few times  Ihave both a cheap pair of sunglasses and a folding hat AI can put in my backpack has helped me a lot

mechanical pencils are often handy.

|Breath mints are good fior you and everyone around you

A final note, Carry what you need, but dont over load, Aset iof dice is nice, but not your entire dice bag, What rule books do you need for a RPG game that you are playing in , but not running.??  I have started doing 2 and three miles walks every day with my full con load out and trust me, cutting eve4n a slight amount of weight will make a difference. By Saturday evening, your feet and back will thank you 


Posted by hahnarama spaceconfessional

spaceconfessional wrote

  • Kindle/book for downtime=inherit 

OK I am just gonna ask a question, I mean no disrespect or attack. I love my Kindle as much as the next guy but if I have downtime at Gen Con its grabbing a beer or a snack. I can use my Kindle the other 361 days a year.

So why a Kindle break? 

Posted by hahnarama qwaserity

qwaserity wrote:

  1. Nitroglycerin pills. (If you know, you know...)

I don't know. Does walking require you to take them? 

Posted by qwaserity hahnarama

hahnarama wrote:
qwaserity wrote:

  1. Nitroglycerin pills. (If you know, you know...)

I don't know. Does walking require you to take them? 
Only after navigating the Vendor's Hall and avoiding carts and backpacks.

Posted by nikas zekeval

Breaking into multiple areas?
First Aid Supplies

  • Preferred OTC pain med.
  • Antacid
  • Band-Aids
  • Any specific meds for your current health
  • Something to treat blisters, if not on you waiting in your room

Lots of walking being at Gencon, make sure your footwear is well fitting and broken in.  But aches are common, the echoing in the hall gives me a headache, and food is what you can grab and it might be at odd hours.

Trust me you don't want to be finding out what's open at 10PM plus that might have something for your blistered feet.

And since it is a long way, keep any meds on you, or at least the day's doses.

  • Water bottle(s) and snacks.

It's going to be hot, and 45 minutes between games might seem plenty.  Till you recognize the games are on opposite ends of the Con, and all the food trucks have lines 20+ deep in front of them.

Load up on the hotel's breakfast buffet, and plan to eat at odd hours for the next few days.

Also, avoid chocolate, unless it is covered like M&Ms.  It's late summer, and even inside the AC is going to struggle to keep up.  Anything chocolate is going to be half melted by the time you unwrap it.

Water flavorers help make the any difference in the taste easier to take, and keep you hydrated.

  • Something to write with.

Notes on game record sheets to jotting down a reminder, have something on you.

  • Charging cables and adapters

Phones and tablets are fine for storing rule books and making notes, just make sure you can use the odd free power socket to keep the topped up.

  • Don't forget your towel

From spills, to condensation on your bottles, to sweat.  Don't bet on finding enough handy napkins in a pinch.  Add a sealable plastic bag to protect the rest of your stuff from it.

  • Rule books and dice

Sure both might be there to borrow but your own will be more handy.  Best if you have a car parked nearby or scored a room in an attached hotel, so you can swap out during the day.

  • A plan for where everything goes in the bag.

Besides making it easier to carry, it also cuts down on the rummaging for items, or having to half unpack the bag at the table to find that charger, pen, or dice bag.

Posted by hahnarama

I should probably reply to this thread since I started.

You know what is NOT in my bag?  Pounds & ounces. It kills me when I see someone humping every rule book, they own of worse yet pulling a battle wagon behind them.

Last year I kept my load under 5 lbs. I am shooting for 3-4 lbs. this year.

I am using an Osprey 6-liter sling bag that weighs 8.6 ounces empty. (Side bar am I the only one that gets CENSORED off when manufacturers use metric and Imperial interchangeably?)  

I went from a 20,000 mAh battery to a 10,000 mAh battery. That shaved 6.7 ounces off last year’s total.

(1) pen, (1) pencil(2) pieces of 8 x 11 grid paper.

Ditched my zippered first aid kit for a 3 x 4 plastic bag.

(4) 3 x 5 pictures of some very dear GC buddies who no longer walk on this astral plane.

Towel? How about the Firefly bandana that I have carried for years. Serves the same function and a lot lighter.

(2) travel size bottles of hand sanitizer.

(1) tiny AAA flashlight. Is awesome when you need to look for a dropped game token on some gods awful carpeting.

And my power snack consisting of (1) 6 oz Snickers bar, 8 oz bag of apple slices and a 2 oz peanut butter cup.

Posted by thomasfrank

[This post has been removed]

Posted by flamepulse

I have a backpack that each morning leaves the hotel with a water bottle with 10 flavor packs, 2 sandwiches and 3 protein bars. (got to save the money where you can so you can spend it in the vendors room). a battery pack for my phone (magnetic charging so i don't have to worry about cables) and any game supply's I may need for the day (this will change form day to day), bottle of Ibuprofen.

Posted by donaldbain

2 pens
2 pencils
mini notebook
snacks - usually small Milkyways & Belvita biscuts
power bank
credit card magnifier /Fresnel lens - some of the type on cards is tiny.  I am not old.
couple paper face masks
plastic box for promo cards from game/demos
small card board box for minis or game pieces
game supplies for the day - if any

Posted by rfsullivan

I've got my kit so far pared down to fit in a vest. Inside the pockets:

  • A small plastic tacklebox that holds a selection of dice (including a number of D6s for games that need a lot of D6) and a stack of arcade bar tokens for use as counters, markers, etc.
  • A GenCon dice tin converted into a small first aid kit. Bandages, various OTC medicines (mostly taken from a larger first aid kit I keep in my work area), wet wipes, etc.
  • Multitool.
  • A small Advil bottle I've been reloading with assorted headache meds.
  • A pocketful of assorted candy (last year it was a mix of gum and Starbursts).
  • USB power pack w/cord.
  • Pens (one "nice" one and a couple of plastic Bics that I can loan or lose without regretting it).
  • Notebook.
  • Any documentation I need for any games I'm going to be playing.

I'm considering adding a bag to the loadout, because there was about twice last year where I lamented not having something to put unexpected acquisitions that came sans bag. 

Posted by hahnarama

Vest like a ScotteVest ?

Posted by heartvshand

I've spent the year rucking and figuring out how to have everything I will need to have on me while keeping a low bag weight. I've figured out how to maintain less than 15 pounds for all of the following. 

Most of the weight comes from consumables (food, wipes, and water) and the Cliq chair.

I think the chair will be worth the extra 3.65 pounds. Last year was our first year going and I was not a fan of sitting on the floor after someone walked right into me. (No, I was not sitting in a high traffic area. I was sitting against a wall out of the way where others were also sitting.)

Most of this stuff is every day carry for me due to health issues. I've started carrying the Cliq chair as part of my every day carry pack in preparation for carrying it all of Gen Con.

Fanny pack/On person:

  • Phone
  • Wallet (?)
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Loop earplugs (in ear)
  • Mask (on face)
  • GenCon badge (around neck) 
  • Inhaler 
  • Cooling towel


  • Keys
  • Wallet (?)
  • Extra masks
  • Water bottle
  • Snacks: (accounts for my allergies)

    • Gluten cookies, Rice cake chips, Bobo apple bites, Bobo chocolate chip bites, Popcorn/kettle corn, Watermelon slices, Apple slices, Baby carrots 

  • Pill container: Tums, Benadryl, Tylenol
  • Phone charger block and cord
  • External battery pack/power bank
  • Tiger Balm
  • Foldable shopping bag
  • Loop earplugs container
  • Flushwipes 2x
  • Napkins/paper towel 
  • Deodorant
  • Floss
  • Eyedrops 
  • Mouthwash
  • Fingernail clippers 
  • Hand soap (to avoid dye or fragrances on soaps there)
  • Glasses wipe
  • Peppermint
  • Aquaphor
  • Chapstick
  • Extra hand sanitizer 
  • Kleenex pack
  • Cliq chair
  • Dice
  • Pen
  • Small notebook

Posted by rfsullivan hahnarama

hahnarama wrote:
Vest like a ScotteVest ?

Not quite as elegant, but similar; the brand is RothCo, and they market it as a "everyday carry/utility" vest. Looks like a slightly subdued fishing vest in terms of the amount of pockets that are externally visible. Good for hauling a bunch of stuff around, and the relatively open armpit areas and ventilation on the back keeps it from getting oppressive in August heat. 

Posted by hahnarama

a few years back I tried my ScotteVest for just 1 day and it was too damn HOT! I stand 6'3 190 lbs and with all of the people in the hall and lack of A/C it was a hot mess. 


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