Well another Gencon has come and gone... I hope every one had a blast. I did for the most part, however this year seemed a bit different for me. I'm sure this being my first year going solo instead of having some one else come along with me had a lot to do with that feeling.. but I also think I had some bad luck this year. I joined several different RPG events and sadly most (not all) of the GMs that ran the events were either complete assholes or totally inept.
Did a Pathfinder event and the GM was very unfriendly, no laughs, no smiling, nothing. Every time I asked a question he gave me this look, like I was a total idiot or some thing. WELL the event said rules will be taught and i was told by others that it was fine being new player, so I guess I got the jack ass just out of luck. Also, had one of those players in a RPG event I was in that loved to talk nonstop and pretty much took over the game. Myself and the others who were in the party could barely talk at all or play their characters cause this guy had to do EVERYTHING. Of course I sat there and just bit my tongue HARD cause I didn't wanna come off as a dick, but seriously, that shit annoys me.
OH, those 10 dollar Nachos, that one really made me laugh.
Anyway other than that I had fun. Seeya next year! ^.^
Ranting over.