Some Thoughts..
Posted by adzumi 8 years agoon 8/8/2016 at 2:59 AM

Well another Gencon has come and gone... I hope every one had a blast. I did for the most part, however this year seemed a bit different for me. I'm sure this being my first year going solo instead of having some one else come along with me had a lot to do with that feeling.. but I also think I had some bad luck this year. I joined several different RPG events and sadly most (not all) of the GMs that ran the events were either complete assholes or totally inept. 

Did a Pathfinder event and the GM was very unfriendly, no laughs, no smiling, nothing. Every time I asked a question he gave me this look, like I was a total idiot or some thing. WELL the event said rules will be taught and i was told by others that it was fine being new player, so I guess I got the jack ass just out of luck. Also, had one of those players in a RPG event I was in that loved to talk nonstop and pretty much took over the game. Myself and the others who were in the party could barely talk at all or play their characters cause this guy had to do EVERYTHING. Of course I sat there and just bit my tongue HARD cause I didn't wanna come off as a dick, but seriously, that shit annoys me. 

OH, those 10 dollar Nachos, that one really made me laugh.

Anyway other than that I had fun. Seeya next year! ^.^

Ranting over.

Posted by geezer 8 years agoon 8/8/2016 at 5:09 PM

Just finished my 3rd Gencon and it was great.  I went with my son and grandson; nerd runs deep in our family.  Every year, my favorite part is the Exhibit Hall.  Unfortunately, every game I wanted to buy sold out by the time I found the right vendor.  I wish the Exhibit Hall could be expanded because it is so difficult to get around with the massive crowds.  Even on Sunday it was packed.  Also, I wish the vendor list in the map had it arranged both alphabetically and by booth number.  It would have made it easier to find my preferred vendors.  I had to switch back and forth between my Ipad and the catalog to find the vendors.  

I had one really negative experience that had nothing to do with Gencon.  When we came back to our car, some moron had placed a card on it informing me we were going to hell because we like to play games.  Then presumably this person has never played tic tac toe, Old Maid, or Crazy 8s, nor watched the Wizard of Oz.  If this is not true, then we will see each other in hell.  

The parking this year was a GREAT improvement over Go Express.  I loved it.  Please keep doing it.  The parking was a reasonable cost, and they did not park cars where we couldn't leave when we wanted to.  

The folks who run Gencon do a great job every year and I appreciate all they do.  Costs are low ($90 versus more than $1800 for Comic Con).  I cannot imagine what it takes to put on an event of this magnitude.  Please keep up the good work.

I cannot wait for Gencon 2017.

Posted by ironsphinx geezer 8 years agoon 8/8/2016 at 6:37 PM

geezer wrote:
I had one really negative experience that had nothing to do with Gencon.  When we came back to our car, some moron had placed a card on it informing me we were going to hell because we like to play games.  Then presumably this person has never played tic tac toe, Old Maid, or Crazy 8s, nor watched the Wizard of Oz.  If this is not true, then we will see each other in hell. 

Y'know, as a moderately devout Christian (and a lifelong gamer), it enrages me that other so-called-Christians still do stuff like that.

Having grown up near MSU during the whole James Dallas Egbert/Satanic Panic of the '70's and '80's, I'm used to ignoring that kind of ignorance as I've been dealing with it my whole life, but the claims by that person (and others) have been thoroughly debunked by the Christian Gamers Guild and the research could easily be read on their website by anyone who cared enough to seek the truth. To not do so is just embarrassing to themselves and the rest of us.

On behalf of the rest of the faith, I apologize for you having that experience. That is NOT what Christianity is about and the person who left that card on your car is clearly in the wrong, be it theologically or otherwise.

Posted by remnant ironsphinx 8 years agoon 8/8/2016 at 7:52 PM

@ Akaru
Well sorry you had some bad experiences... I actually look for games I have no idea about and there's a lot of games people probably haven't heard of.  I played a game called World of Dew (No reference to Mountain Dew btw) and it was pretty cool I thought from setting to game mechanics.  I went last year solo and had fun (no one from my local group could go).  This year I was talking with people about Pokémon Go when I saw something I'd let them know and talk for a few minutes while waiting in lines (food, coffee, dealer's hall, take your pick)

@ Ironsphinx
I tried out TorahLine the Card Game Wednesday and although I wasn't probably the target audience I thought it was an interesting way to learn about the Exodus from Egypt. 


Posted by ironsphinx 8 years agoon 8/8/2016 at 8:34 PM

Thanks for the suggestion. My best friend is jewish so might be a fun  game for us to play. :)

Posted by mcnoob geezer 8 years agoon 8/8/2016 at 9:13 PM

geezer wrote:

I had one really negative experience that had nothing to do with Gencon.  When we came back to our car, some moron had placed a card on it informing me we were going to hell because we like to play games.  Then presumably this person has never played tic tac toe, Old Maid, or Crazy 8s, nor watched the Wizard of Oz.  If this is not true, then we will see each other in hell.  

Not Gen Con's fault, but this ^^^.
I was really pissed off when I found this card in my car's window (camouflaged as a "nerd-friendly" business card of some sort).
Parked in Gate 10's parking lot south of Lucas Oil stadium, and when picking my car on Sunday, saw that most cars had it. Since the parking lot was supposed to be under 24 hr surveillance (stated as "Fully lit lot, with onsite watch 24 hours a day, and patrolled by officers to maintain security of lot" ), I wonder why didn't they prevent people approaching the cars and doing this. I'm sure it took enough time to put the cards, for someone to notice. Badly done, Gate 10.

Anyway besides this, I had a blast on my first ever Gen Con, and  will do my best effort to be there on 2017!

Posted by bakermouse10133 mcnoob 8 years agoon 8/9/2016 at 1:26 AM

mcnoob wrote:
geezer wrote:I had one really negative experience that had nothing to do with Gencon.  When we came back to our car, some moron had placed a card on it informing me we were going to hell because we like to play games.  Then presumably this person has never played tic tac toe, Old Maid, or Crazy 8s, nor watched the Wizard of Oz.  If this is not true, then we will see each other in hell.  

Not Gen Con's fault, but this ^^^.
I was really pissed off when I found this card in my car's window (camouflaged as a "nerd-friendly" business card of some sort).
Parked in Gate 10's parking lot south of Lucas Oil stadium, and when picking my car on Sunday, saw that most cars had it. Since the parking lot was supposed to be under 24 hr surveillance (stated as "Fully lit lot, with onsite watch 24 hours a day, and patrolled by officers to maintain security of lot" ), I wonder why didn't they prevent people approaching the cars and doing this. I'm sure it took enough time to put the cards, for someone to notice. Badly done, Gate 10.Anyway besides this, I had a blast on my first ever Gen Con, and  will do my best effort to be there on 2017!
 We were in the gate 10 overflow lot and had no papers on our window. Guess we were too off the beaten path to be graced with their papers. 

Posted by britbrit 8 years agoon 8/9/2016 at 1:33 AM

I'd had a blast!

And would like to thank Gen Con for FINALLY pushing the booths back a bit so when you walked into the exhibit hall you didn't slam into fantasy flight lines. 

Posted by lore seeker britbrit 8 years agoon 8/9/2016 at 1:41 AM

britbrit wrote:
I'd had a blast!
And would like to thank Gen Con for FINALLY pushing the booths back a bit so when you walked into the exhibit hall you didn't slam into fantasy flight lines. 

Agreed! Took a bit of time to find my way around the re-arranged vendor's hall, but that "dead space" was a nice reprieve from the sardine can-like corridors.

My 6th GenCon this year, and I loved it! Best moment of the con had to be the "Windy City Chaos" Shadowrun Missions game I played Sunday - rarely have I left a game session with such an incredible sense of accomplishment, feeling like my character and everyone else's were absolute badasses :)

Posted by garhkal ironsphinx 8 years agoon 8/9/2016 at 8:05 AM

akaru wrote:
Also, had one of those players in a RPG event I was in that loved to talk nonstop and pretty much took over the game. Myself and the others who were in the party could barely talk at all or play their characters cause this guy had to do EVERYTHING. Of course I sat there and just bit my tongue HARD cause I didn't wanna come off as a dick, but seriously, that shit annoys me.

Do you remember which event that was?
ironsphinx wrote:
geezer wrote:
I had one really negative experience that had nothing to do with Gencon.  When we came back to our car, some moron had placed a card on it informing me we were going to hell because we like to play games.  Then presumably this person has never played tic tac toe, Old Maid, or Crazy 8s, nor watched the Wizard of Oz.  If this is not true, then we will see each other in hell. 

Y'know, as a moderately devout Christian (and a lifelong gamer), it enrages me that other so-called-Christians still do stuff like that.Having grown up near MSU during the whole James Dallas Egbert/Satanic Panic of the '70's and '80's, I'm used to ignoring that kind of ignorance as I've been dealing with it my whole life, but the claims by that person (and others) have been thoroughly debunked by the Christian Gamers Guild and the research could easily be read on their website by anyone who cared enough to seek the truth. To not do so is just embarrassing to themselves and the rest of us.
On behalf of the rest of the faith, I apologize for you having that experience. That is NOT what Christianity is about and the person who left that card on your car is clearly in the wrong, be it theologically or otherwise.

Heck, iirc across from the East entrance, wasn't there some guy on a bull horn preaching for a while??


Posted by ironsphinx garhkal 8 years agoon 8/9/2016 at 7:57 PM

garhkal wrote:Heck, iirc across from the East entrance, wasn't there some guy on a bull horn preaching for a while?? 

I didn't see anyone this year, but I was only at the con on Friday. In previous years, I've seen people like that with their flyers and sandwich-board signs standing out in front of the ICC doing their best to annoy people but nothing recently. When I didn't see any last year or this year, I'd hoped that they had just given up and gone away. Hope springs eternal. ;)

Posted by garhkal ironsphinx 8 years agoon 8/9/2016 at 8:07 PM

ironsphinx wrote:
garhkal wrote:Heck, iirc across from the East entrance, wasn't there some guy on a bull horn preaching for a while?? 

I didn't see anyone this year, but I was only at the con on Friday. In previous years, I've seen people like that with their flyers and sandwich-board signs standing out in front of the ICC doing their best to annoy people but nothing recently. When I didn't see any last year or this year, I'd hoped that they had just given up and gone away. Hope springs eternal. ;)

The two times i saw him, were on sunday..  So maybe he wasn't out there the other days.

Posted by ironsphinx 8 years agoon 8/9/2016 at 8:21 PM

What was he doing out there on Sunday?! Shouldn't he have been at church observing the Sabbath?! ;)

Posted by soulcatcher78 8 years agoon 8/9/2016 at 8:53 PM

He was out Saturday afternoon/evening and my wife wouldn't let me go near him, lol.  Other than being loud I don't know if he was being verbally abusive in his spiel as we kept going.

As long as we don't end up with the WBC protesting (which I would love to counter protest at Gen Con, can yo imagine the these guys are just doing what they think is right.  Ignore and avoid when possible and all is well.

Posted by indigopet bakermouse10133 8 years agoon 8/9/2016 at 10:48 PM

bakermouse10133 wrote:
mcnoob wrote:
geezer wrote:I had one really negative experience that had nothing to do with Gencon.  When we came back to our car, some moron had placed a card on it informing me we were going to hell because we like to play games.  Then presumably this person has never played tic tac toe, Old Maid, or Crazy 8s, nor watched the Wizard of Oz.  If this is not true, then we will see each other in hell.  

Not Gen Con's fault, but this ^^^.
I was really pissed off when I found this card in my car's window (camouflaged as a "nerd-friendly" business card of some sort).
Parked in Gate 10's parking lot south of Lucas Oil stadium, and when picking my car on Sunday, saw that most cars had it. Since the parking lot was supposed to be under 24 hr surveillance (stated as "Fully lit lot, with onsite watch 24 hours a day, and patrolled by officers to maintain security of lot" ), I wonder why didn't they prevent people approaching the cars and doing this. I'm sure it took enough time to put the cards, for someone to notice. Badly done, Gate 10.Anyway besides this, I had a blast on my first ever Gen Con, and  will do my best effort to be there on 2017!
 We were in the gate 10 overflow lot and had no papers on our window. Guess we were too off the beaten path to be graced with their papers. 
we were right at the front of Gate 10 and nothing on our car either

Posted by lanefan mcnoob 8 years agoon 8/10/2016 at 10:10 AM

mcnoob wrote:I was really pissed off when I found this card in my car's window (camouflaged as a "nerd-friendly" business card of some sort).
Parked in Gate 10's parking lot south of Lucas Oil stadium, and when picking my car on Sunday, saw that most cars had it. Since the parking lot was supposed to be under 24 hr surveillance (stated as "Fully lit lot, with onsite watch 24 hours a day, and patrolled by officers to maintain security of lot" ), I wonder why didn't they prevent people approaching the cars and doing this. I'm sure it took enough time to put the cards, for someone to notice. Badly done, Gate 10.

Maybe it was actually the guard that put the cards on the cars - ?

Posted by brotherbock ironsphinx 8 years agoon 8/10/2016 at 4:04 PM

ironsphinx wrote:
geezer wrote:
I had one really negative experience that had nothing to do with Gencon.  When we came back to our car, some moron had placed a card on it informing me we were going to hell because we like to play games.  Then presumably this person has never played tic tac toe, Old Maid, or Crazy 8s, nor watched the Wizard of Oz.  If this is not true, then we will see each other in hell. 

Y'know, as a moderately devout Christian (and a lifelong gamer), it enrages me that other so-called-Christians still do stuff like that.Having grown up near MSU during the whole James Dallas Egbert/Satanic Panic of the '70's and '80's, I'm used to ignoring that kind of ignorance as I've been dealing with it my whole life, but the claims by that person (and others) have been thoroughly debunked by the Christian Gamers Guild and the research could easily be read on their website by anyone who cared enough to seek the truth. To not do so is just embarrassing to themselves and the rest of us.
On behalf of the rest of the faith, I apologize for you having that experience. That is NOT what Christianity is about and the person who left that card on your car is clearly in the wrong, be it theologically or otherwise.

I stopped at the booth selling Evolution, the board game, and asked them if they had the Evolution: The Denial expansion. :) They laughed, but then one said something very mild about "them being at another booth", and I had to gently remind them that not all of us are like that. I'm the one who started joking about it in the first place.

Posted by ironsphinx 8 years agoon 8/10/2016 at 6:40 PM

Heh. That's pretty clever. Y'know, I looked over at that 'Gamers for Jesus' booth and just from the looks of it couldn't tell if they were serious or not. It looked like their banner was the 'buddy Christ' from Dogma.

Posted by garhkal lanefan 8 years agoon 8/10/2016 at 8:15 PM

lanefan wrote:
mcnoob wrote:I was really pissed off when I found this card in my car's window (camouflaged as a "nerd-friendly" business card of some sort).
Parked in Gate 10's parking lot south of Lucas Oil stadium, and when picking my car on Sunday, saw that most cars had it. Since the parking lot was supposed to be under 24 hr surveillance (stated as "Fully lit lot, with onsite watch 24 hours a day, and patrolled by officers to maintain security of lot" ), I wonder why didn't they prevent people approaching the cars and doing this. I'm sure it took enough time to put the cards, for someone to notice. Badly done, Gate 10.

Maybe it was actually the guard that put the cards on the cars - ?

Then if that was the case, perhaps somone should complain to Gate 10 itself...  IMO guards should NOT be putting fliers on vehicles in their lot..

Posted by xanathon adzumi 8 years agoon 8/10/2016 at 8:46 PM

akaru wrote:
Well another Gencon has come and gone... I hope every one had a blast. I did for the most part, however this year seemed a bit different for me. I'm sure this being my first year going solo instead of having some one else come along with me had a lot to do with that feeling.. but I also think I had some bad luck this year. I joined several different RPG events and sadly most (not all) of the GMs that ran the events were either complete assholes or totally inept. 
Did a Pathfinder event and the GM was very unfriendly, no laughs, no smiling, nothing. Every time I asked a question he gave me this look, like I was a total idiot or some thing. WELL the event said rules will be taught and i was told by others that it was fine being new player, so I guess I got the jack ass just out of luck. Also, had one of those players in a RPG event I was in that loved to talk nonstop and pretty much took over the game. Myself and the others who were in the party could barely talk at all or play their characters cause this guy had to do EVERYTHING. Of course I sat there and just bit my tongue HARD cause I didn't wanna come off as a dick, but seriously, that shit annoys me. 
OH, those 10 dollar Nachos, that one really made me laugh.
Anyway other than that I had fun. Seeya next year! ^.^
Ranting over.
I won't play in any Pathfinder events after my experience with their organized play.  They have the worst organized play in my opinion.  The GMs don't appear to want to be there and I kept hearing them discussing the stuff they would be getting for working GenCon.

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