Why sellout vendors don't bring more copies. From the vendors themselves.
Posted by aldctjoc 8 years agoon 8/26/2016 at 9:02 PM

Found an excellent blog post asking quick sellout vendors - those who were out of stock the first day, and some during the VIG period - "why didn't you bring more copies of your games?"


The answers are fairly obvious and even mundane, but it's all still very good insight. It often boils down to shipping costs, but also involves other things. One vendor came out and said, "We had limited copies at Gen Con, because that was all we could have available". Another detailed sales of previous games at prior Gen Cons along with his sales figures from Origins and simply made the best possible guess. Other things factored in - for example with that last vendor, storage was an issue - but the point is that there are reasons companies who'd otherwise love to sell as many games as they possibly can at Gen Con don't bring enough to cover their sales. 

Anyway, this is worth reading. Like I said, very good insight.

Posted by austicke 8 years agoon 8/27/2016 at 1:58 AM

Insightful article. Thanks.

Posted by nikki 8 years agoon 8/27/2016 at 6:16 PM

This was a great read.  Thanks for sharing.

Posted by ladyimm 8 years agoon 9/3/2016 at 6:13 PM

Ah ha, that did make an incredible amount of sense.  And, to be honest, I don't blame ANY of them.  They aren't in the game-making business to lose money!  God bless 'em for bringing what they DO bring.

Posted by gib_rebeg 8 years agoon 9/7/2016 at 9:36 PM

It is well said, but will say this. When a vendor shows with 50 free or limited highly desired products and are in many cases as seen this year gone within minutes of the EH opening, or even before the hall opens. It looks bad on the vendors, and angers the attendees.

Personally, if a vendor is showing with a very limited supply, and know it will go fast. Follow what Heroclix use to do with their limited convention items years ago. Hold a raffle to win the chance to buy the items.

When I wander the EH and see other vendors selling the limited items that they bought before the EH opened to attendees at sever mark-up and the original vendor is sold out, that doesn't make me happy. And I have seen that happen.

Posted by grtbrt 8 years agoon 9/8/2016 at 4:22 PM

Perhaps I am missing the logical trail here . Just How does it look bad on the vendor ?
They bring a limited number of items(whether by choice or not ) and the demand exceeds the supply - they sell all of their items and likely have a good number of online orders for that item  .
They are practicing good business -   I have not heard of any game or game item that sells out quickly  and then doesnt sell anymore because attendees can't get it that weekend . I imagine  the demand is higher because of the scarcity .Works in many industries .

So you are angry at the vendor ? I can see a little peeved that you couldn't get a copy ,but angry ??  In your example that is the secondary vendor ,not the original one . how is that on the original vendor ? and how is that different from re-selling on-line ?

Why hold a raffle ?  Different situation with Heroclix-that was an item specifically designed for a convention -not a product that was going on sale at the convention .


Posted by nascragman 8 years agoon 9/14/2016 at 2:53 PM

That was a great article.  Thanks for sharing

Posted by mrshiny 8 years agoon 9/14/2016 at 8:40 PM

I am amazed at the other end of the spectrum - vendors who don't run show specials, especially on Sunday.  I would hate to bring home any unsold merchandise.

Posted by timjs21 8 years agoon 9/17/2016 at 3:40 PM

I have to agree with 'mrshiny'.  I was greatly disappointed with the lack of specials this year.  I found it hard to believe that anyone would even purchase from the vendors at full retail prices.  The only reason for that is if you must have the game to play while at the convention, or it's a hot new game that you really want.

Posted by lore seeker timjs21 8 years agoon 9/17/2016 at 4:15 PM

timjs21 wrote:
I have to agree with 'mrshiny'.  I was greatly disappointed with the lack of specials this year.  I found it hard to believe that anyone would even purchase from the vendors at full retail prices.  The only reason for that is if you must have the game to play while at the convention, or it's a hot new game that you really want.

You're not kidding. I actually held off on purchasing my Guild Ball team from the Steamforged Games booth so I could order it off Miniature Market. Granted, they had some sort of deal going if you bought a certain number of minis, but because I wasn't planning to purchase that many minis at the time, MM was still the better choice financially.

I later found out I WOULD need that many minis or more due to championship Guild Ball tournament games requiring more minis than normal games though. Can't remember what the in-booth deal was now though, so I can't say if I would have been better off, but still.

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