Nascrag Feedback
Posted by nascragman 8 years agoon 8/10/2016 at 4:37 PM

Hi there!  NascragMan here.  I know I've been fairly absent from these new forums, but often life intrudes on our fun.  It didn't stop us from running the tournament though, and we had a great time.

Does anybody have any feedback?  Positive or otherwise :-) ?

We only get better when we hear from you.

What do people think of the 9 pm - 1 am slot?  When I was a player it was my favorite (quieter in the hall).  But they've been more lightly attended in recent years.

Did you like the character mix?  What are we missing?  Do we need Bards?  Monks?  Druids?  What do you like to play?

Feel free to speak your mind.


Posted by nascragman 8 years agoon 8/10/2016 at 6:19 PM

We've seriously considered going with an optional 7th character and then either taking the average score of the individual players or dropping the lowest.  The 7th player would make it easier for the 5 man team to fill out.  People come to GenCon with friends and significant others.  So we get lots of pairs and threesomes.

The problem, of course, is that the 7th player adds additional resources.  At very least hit points and an extra POV on puzzles.  And dropping the lowest score would give a 7 man team a definite scoring advantage.

The best answer, of course, is to like us on Facebook and post there to fill out your team ahead of time

Posted by bith 8 years agoon 8/10/2016 at 6:51 PM

As one of the four that Helen joined up with this year, anything that would make filling teams easier would be awesome.  But, my BIGGEST request would be to have the same judges we had this year, every year [that's a joke, i know that won't happen].  Seriously, they both did an amazing job and I can't thank them enough.

Our team was Something Witty and Clever, so if you want to pass on our sincerest thanks to the two judges we had we would much appreciate it.

Side note -- as is our unfortunate habit, we missed the middle year of this arc.  Is there any way to acquire it now?

Edit:  Oh yea, real feedback.  Ummm...

I don't care about character classes -- to be honest, I've never payed attention to it on the sheet.  The real meat is the background and who the characters are.  I've generally found that trying to "play the class" is different from, and not as good as trying to "play the character". 

The 9PM - 1Am slot.  Yea, it's not happening for our team.  The 7-11 on Saturday for round to is just about at our limit.  We tried 9-1 two years, and both times at about 11 we just crashed, and crashed hard.  But, if there's enough teams to like it, keep it going.  For us, 5-9 is always going to be optimum, unless you did a 7-11 time for a prelim round.

Posted by nascragman 8 years agoon 8/10/2016 at 7:42 PM

Contact about getting copies of older events.

So, if we switched to 1-4 and 7-11 for our Round 1 that would be better?

Just, spitballing ideas here.

Posted by bith nascragman 8 years agoon 8/10/2016 at 8:12 PM

nascragman wrote:
Contact about getting copies of older events.
So, if we switched to 1-4 and 7-11 for our Round 1 that would be better?
Just, spitballing ideas here.

I can't speak for any teams but my own, but man... we'd murder people for a 7-11 timeslot.

Seriously, who do you want us to murder? 

Posted by nascragman 8 years agoon 8/10/2016 at 9:04 PM

No murder required.  that would be 1-5 and 7-11, though.  I mis-typed above

Posted by nascragman 8 years agoon 8/16/2016 at 1:12 PM

oops, i booted the contact info there, didn't I. not .org.

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