Is anyone carpooling from (or through) the Philadelphia area and looking to fill a seat? Standard carpool-begging applies: I can chip in for gas, tolls, take a turn behind the wheel, etc. as needed.

Hello Satyr
Are you still looking for a ride to GenCon? It's not confirmed yet, but I may have an extra seat available. Let me know...

Sorry, I should have updated this sooner; I have already arranged transportation, but thank you.

I am looking for a seat from either Boston or NY. I guess I can come to Philly as well if needed (I am traveling the US atm).
Getting there with a bus, i'd have to go chicago and then back, and I feel that I'll be hard pressed for both money and time when that part of the journey arrives.
All help appreciated

I'm in king of Prussia and my car is open

That sounds great!
Would you be able to add me on facebook so we can arrange the details?
Luka Kovač Plavi
Thank you

You can also reach me via email avtomatiq@gmail. Much appreciated

I'm in Philly and I was planning on driving solo, but carpooling would be preferable. Let me know if you have any more seats open

Found a ride from philly!
Is anyone driving from Indianapolis to Dallas or Atlanta after the con?
Let me know at if you have a free seat