It's at the bottom of this page:
Could someone share the knowledge of which truck serves which menu? Some trucks like Wild Boar BBQ are obvious (even to me...)
Thanks in advance.
Honestly, your best bet is to google the names. Most of them have at least a Facebook page if not an actual website.
Marian McBrine Event Coordinator Gen Con LLC
The important part is that the changeover happens from 4:00 - 5:00, meaning no food trucks in that hour. Makes it a bit harder to beat the dinner rush but I think it's always been like that.
There's also a nice list of trucks found here: which has twitter links in a handy location so you don't have to google everything separately.
*INTERNET HIGH FIVE* to bcpierce
Joining in on this high five! Thanks a lot, very helpful. :)
I have visited the trucks on Georgia a number of times. Between which street blocks do the trucks located on Capitol Avenue park?
All, because the food truck PDF schedule is unwieldy for me I made a schedule for myself and my friends:
It lives at CodePen so I can edit it on the fly, so don't bookmark the address that redirection sends you to in case I need to move it.
The page works best on mobile. As Gen Con starts it will expand the section for the current date/time slot. The food trucks are linked (only to Twitter profiles). I also have some text and color coding because it is easiest for me to see as I look on my phone while hungrily wandering the hall.
My Twitter is linked on that page, so tweet me if you see something wrong.
This is awesome; thank you!