Badge Registration January 13
Event Registration May 19
Event Submission January 6...get those events in ASAP!
Badge Registration January 13
Event Registration May 19
Event Submission January 6...get those events in ASAP!
[This post has been removed]
Earlier I couldn't log in until I agreed to (what I thought were) the updated Terms of Service. However, they still reference the 2018 date:
All participants in Gen Con LLC's ("Gen Gon") 2018 convention ("convention") held August 1 - 5, 2018 in Indianapolis, Indiana, are required to, and hereby do, assume all risk of participation in the convention by accepting this terms of service agreement ("agreement") and the assumption of risk and release of liability described below.
Time to get them updated :-)
I've let "Them" know. No giant ant jokes, please; Greg and the gang are good folk.
January 27, per the cover photo on the Facebook fan group.
Alec Usticke, Fans of Gen Con Facebook Group
If you missed the newsletter (and I really strongly suggest you subscribe if you haven't), here's some of the relevant info:
Put on your party hats and pack up your dice, Gen Con 2019 is on the way! Start the countdown to The Best Four Days in Gaming by marking these important dates on your calendar. Our first couple key dates are coming up next month - including badge registration! Find badge prices and other badge info here.
Gen Con 2019 Important Dates
Event Submission Begins – January 6 (Noon Eastern) Last year was great, but you wished that Gen Con had a couple sessions of that one game you love playing? Consider running it! Expose fellow gamers to one of your favorites, have fun playing it yourself, and get a few extra bucks in your pocket for your trip to the Exhibit Hall. Updated Event Host Policy coming in the next couple weeks.
Badge Registration Opening Day – January 13 (Noon Eastern) We hereby declare Gen Con Badge Registration Opening Day an International Holiday. That's how it works right? Even if we can't make it a real holiday, you can dice up your own holiday giving with a downloadable Gen Con holiday card! Print it out, make a note on the back that you're taking your favorite gaming partner to Gen Con 2019, and revel in being the best gift giver ever (watch out for these on our Facebook page by the end of this week). Make your gift extra awesome by including a Gen Con 2019 shirt, newly released on the Gen Con Store from OffWorld Designs!
Hotel Registration Opens – January 27 (Noon Eastern) Snag a hotel in the Gen Con discounted housing block! More info to come soon.
Online Event Registration Begins – May 19 (Noon Eastern) As we get closer to Event Reg, we'll have more information to share, but for now, mark this date on your calendar! This is when you'll submit your wish list of all the events you'd like to attend at Gen Con 2019.
Ship to Me Deadline – June 16 (Midnight Eastern) Conveniently have your badge and event tickets mailed to you! This is the last day that you can select the USPS Priority Mail option for your Gen Con packet. Awesome exclusives to be included in Ship to Me packets this year. More info to come later!
Gen Con 2019 – August 1-4, 2019
Hey folks, if you sign up for the newsletter using the link that Mike posted ^, can you let me know if you don't receive it? I've heard a couple reports of this happening, and just want to make sure everyone gets the latest news. For reference, I usually publish newsletters on Thursdays or Fridays. They populate on the homepage of under the "News" section.
Also, Mike, I'm curious about your Orc polling process... for marketing purposes. /:)
Goblins are simply a blunt, squishy, object.
Who the heck is wasting good armor on Goblins???