General Info 2019 ( Locked)
General discussion about Gen Con 2019
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Task / Topic Latest Posts
Started by trace_sl
Last post by anthrorob 3
Happy Holidays!
Started by jhs
Last post by jhs 1
Trade Day?
Started by aliyaregatti
Last post by mikeboozer 3
More precise countdown.
Started by lord thrifty the cromulent
Last post by lord thrifty the cromulent 3
Hauling your purchases
Started by jonesr14
Last post by trace_sl 35
Stan lee? Any sort of celebration??
Started by garhkal
Last post by weidster 2
Badge Registration begins January 13
Started by mikeboozer
Last post by roderick 18
I need 2 badges
Started by geg551
Last post by geg551 11
Stuff for 5-year-olds
Started by the chronek
Last post by trapdoorspy 8
Bravo South Bend!
Started by urielblue
Last post by mikeboozer 2
Badge for minor relative
Started by sjenks
Last post by mikeboozer 3
4 Months until Gen Con 2019
Started by andrewj.rager
Last post by andrewj.rager 1
Cosplay Contest Rules Clarification
Started by [email protected]
Last post by [email protected] 6
Saturday vs Sunday
Started by j3nni
Last post by qwaserity 12
Seeking badge price data
Started by dwintheiser
Last post by trace_sl 6
Cosplay Question
Started by molonlabe
Last post by mikeboozer 2
What is Day 0?
Started by onibaku06
Last post by zhycalui 18
It begins...
Started by raidkillsbugsded
Last post by repto 20
Voice of Gencon
Started by whisper721
Last post by quarex 11
Gen Con: the Cheapening
Started by qwaserity
Last post by krom432 38
Worried About Attending, Advice-
Started by kyriadori
Last post by roundtop 43
Indy Recycling (or lack thereof)
Started by geezer
Last post by rayken 5
Gen Con Auction
Started by ytuni
Last post by ytuni 31
Bring and Sell/Buy
Started by dcgragg13
Last post by quarex 12
When does Will Call open?
Started by dcgragg13
Last post by funny-shaped dice 25
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