Confession: I've never played DnD. I don't even know what to look for in the event list.
Can you please help me find a beginner DnD event at GenCon?
Confession: I've never played DnD. I don't even know what to look for in the event list.
Can you please help me find a beginner DnD event at GenCon?
Introduction to Adventure - Baldman Games - 2 hour D&D intro for total new players. You can play it up to 4 times (it contains 4 little mini-adventures around a single story). If you enjoy you can then roll right into our other 4 hour games using that same character.
They are not showing in the grid yet but should show up shortly. We normally run 4-500 people a day through this event during the show so you'll be in good company while playing.
Much appreciated!!!!
FYI: AL refers to the Adventurers League. These are D&D sessions run by DMs certified to run AL games, and follow a specific set of rules for character creation, magic items, etc. Characters that run in these events can be played in other AL campaigns. So, the characters you play & level up at Gen Con could then be continued in local AL games when you get back home.
Note that there are other D&D events that are not AL. Characters created & played in those events will usually not be transferable to other campaigns. That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun playing these events, just something to consider if you think you might want to continue with D&D after GC. One thing to do is check for local D&D campaigns; often your local gaming stores have campaigns running, either AL, or “homegrown”.
Okay. That's something to consider