Anyone ever parked at/near the airport for the duration of Gencon?
Posted by fethbone 6 years agoon 1/6/2019 at 7:32 PM

Fortunate enough to be staying downtown this year, but the hotel parking prices are pretty outrageous. I don't plan to need to use my car for the duration of GenCon after I arrive, so I was thinking about parking at the airport or one of the private garages around the airport and just taking a cab downtown and back again at the end. It looks to be <$10/day  for economy parking vs. $40/day at the Crowne Plaza. Has anyone done this before? I don't see an issue with it, but just wondering. I don't feel comfortable leaving my vehicle overnight in the outdoor GenCon parking lots (the ones you buy a pass for through the events), so that's not an option I'm considering.

Posted by brooks 6 years agoon 1/6/2019 at 8:34 PM

The last two years I've rented a car. The price to rent for one day on the drive to Indianapolis and the one day to return home was considerably less than the cost of parking downtown for the duration of the convention. There's an Avis maybe 2 blocks from the convention center that's extremely easy to drop off/pick up from. 

Posted by fethbone brooks 6 years agoon 1/6/2019 at 10:17 PM

brooks wrote:
The last two years I've rented a car. The price to rent for one day on the drive to Indianapolis and the one day to return home was considerably less than the cost of parking downtown for the duration of the convention. There's an Avis maybe 2 blocks from the convention center that's extremely easy to drop off/pick up from. 
Hmmm, that may be a good option if I lived further away to save wear and tear on my car (I only live about 220mi from Indy), but in my case I don't think the math really works. Two one-way rentals was actually more than the $160 it would cost to park at CP for four nights from where I live. 

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